I Spilled Mercury on my Jeans...!


Feb 29, 2008
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Goddamn. I thought I'd never have to mess with anything that could possibly threaten my life and well-being, but I guess the time had to come sooner or later.

I went to get a needle to pick a thread out of my jeans. I open the medicine cabinet, and there, in a thin and compact cerulean container is the needle. So I go to my room, throw down my Levi's onto the bed, and open the clear plastic cap at the top. I dump the container upside-down, expecting a shiny, yet tiny, rapier to drop out right onto the left leg of my jeans. Instead, a broken Mercury thermometer drops out, spilling what is left of it's hazardous contents right onto my Levi's.

I look in shock and awe as, what I think to be tiny ball bearings, gracefully land on the jeans and thankfully not on the bed.

"Oh look, ball bearing--wait a ****ING minute!"

I carefully lift the leg up slightly, and notice the two ball-bearings of different size collide. I expect them to knock each other back, but no, instead they decide to combine, forming an even bigger sphere of hazardous death. I panic for about 2 minutes, and search for some sort of protection for my hands. I run to the garage, frantically knocking over canned peaches in my search for heavy-duty-work gloves. I find a pair, which are a little bit large, and run to my room.

I lift the jeans gingerly, and scrunch up the left leg as to confine the mercury balls of death to one area. I then sllightly tilt my hand, and the balls fall into the waste basket, making a soft thud.

I then wash my jeans, and type this out.

Hopefully it wasn't a TL;DR passage, although I think it is.

But I'm really scared of contamination. Mercury is just so scary.

I don't know anything about mercury. That's pretty awesome though.
Burn your house, just to make sure.
Mercury is an extremely toxic element, however only occasional poisoning cases have been reported. It has been used in the past as the active ingredient in ointments, parasiticidals, antiseptics, disinfectants, diuretics and fungicides. Mercury can be a source of environmental contamination when present in seed dressing fungicides, anti-slime fungicides in pulp and paper industries, by-products of burning coal, mine tailings and wastes from chlorine-alkali industries. Whatever the source, mercury finds its way into water sources and accumulates in fish and fish-eating animals. Inorganic mercury which enters a water source is readily converted to methyl mercury by aquatic microorganisms and accumulates in the tissues of fish. In Michigan, the common loon, mink and otter have been poisoned by mercury as a result of ingestion of mercury contaminated fish.

Waterfowl may be exposed to chronic low levels of mercury present as an environmental contaminant. Mercury which is eliminated from the female via egg laying, has been reported to cause abnormal egg laying behavior, impaired reproduction, slowed duckling growth, and altered duckling behavior in mallard ducks. Occasionally seed eating birds are affected by mercury toxicity after feeding on mercury fungicide treated seed.

Ingested mercury is rapidly absorbed by the intestinal tract and stored in the kidney and liver. Once absorbed, mercury is slowly eliminated in the urine, feces, saliva, sweat and milk.

Clinical Signs and Pathology

Depending upon the amount of mercury ingested, the clinical signs can either be peracute, acute, or chronic. Ingestion of large amounts of mercury results in almost immediate death due to heart attack. Symptoms of acute poisoning include severe abdominal pains, vomiting and diarrhea. The intestinal mucosa is destroyed and if the animal survives this first stage, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is followed by ulcerative colitis with destruction of the kidney tubules. Chronic exposure results in soreness, swelling, bleeding and ulceration of the gums, tongue and oral mucosa with anemia, edema, and body wasting ending in death. Chronic mercury poisoning may be accompanied by mental disturbances due to degeneration of nerve tracts and may result in blindness, weakness, incoordination and coma.


Mercury poisoning is suspected from clinical signs and history of exposure to mercury contamination. Definitive diagnosis can be made by detection of high levels of mercury in the stomach contents, kidney, and/or liver.


Absorption from the gut is so rapid that treatment of wildlife is usually not practical. When treatment is possible, the stomach should be emptied and milk or raw egg white given to precipitate the mercury. Dimercaprol (BAL) is the treatment of choice accompanied by the administration of large amounts of intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.

Control and Significance

Control of mercury poisoning in wildlife is aimed at reducing the presence of mercury as an environmental contaminant. Humans are susceptible to the toxic effects of mercury and have been poisoned due to the consumption of mercury-contaminated fish and shellfish. Although wildlife deaths due to mercury poisoning are rare, there is a possibility that mercury may reduce populations by decreasing reproductive efficiency.

Hope you're happy.
Best of luck.
I think you want the department of Homeland Security, down the hall turn left first door on your right. Tell them Stern says hi
So you want to clean up mercury? What you need is a magnet and a straw.
Okay, if he doesn't reply within a week, we know he's dead or incapacitated.
Did you put the trash outside in the bin?

Do you think there is a slight chance that I might die, because I washed the jeans after I dropped the mercury balls in the waste basket.

Besides, on ball was bout as big as this "O," and the other one as small as a period.
I really don't know much about mercury. We might've been taught about it in chemistry at school, but if we were I can't remember it. And anyway, I was always half asleep in chemistry class because of the teacher's droning voice, so I never would have payed attention!!!
Do you think there is a slight chance that I might die, because I washed the jeans after I dropped the mercury balls in the waste basket.

Besides, on ball was bout as big as this "O," and the other one as small as a period.

No you'll be fine I'm sure. Just make sure the waste basket is out of the house and in your larger trash receptacle.
No you'll be fine I'm sure. Just make sure the waste basket is out of the house and in your larger trash receptacle.

Be sure to empty the trash into a Ziploc bag or something... that can be tightly sealed..

Technically, you aren't supposed to throw it in the trash, you know.. cuz of the animals and stuff.. but.. I won't tell if you don't.

Seriously, read some of the links posted, and get informed. It should make you feel better.

Or, not.
Besides, on ball was bout as big as this "O," and the other one as small as a period.

It's all about the O. Even when she's having a .
Back in the day our parents generation used to play with that shit all the time because they didn't know it was hazardous, you'll be fine.
lol you act like it's anthrax or something, it's freaking mercury.. Spill it off your jeans into some sort of container, then take it to the same place you (should) take dead batteries.
It's in my trash can in my room, which is metal.


Hold me close, I might die.
you spilled fredy mercury on your jeans!?

ok now serious

you will die

but not the way you think
Mercury is amazing, I remember playing with it when I was a kid

Well, playing with sealed toys that had it in them anyway, I didn't wanna DIE lolz
Man, if mercury weren't hazerdous, what would swimming in a pool of it feel like? Look like? Sound like? Really interesting to think about. I want to do it naaoooo
*<RJMC> gets infront of v-man339*
*<RJMC> points finger to face of v-man339,finger enlarge into a blade and pierce vman339 head*
*<RJMC> "retracts" finger and transform into v-man339 and walks away*
A thermometer broke in my mouth one time. I still live.