I suck, how do I get better?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I have wanted to draw for years now, but I really suck at drawing, I have been told I'm alright at sketching, But I don't want to sketch, I want to draw, finishing a sketch isn't as satisfying as finishing your own idea on a drawing, where should/could I started?
You could probably start by practicing habitually. That's the only way to go.

Seriously... What is that?
In order to be able to draw well from your imagination, you have to sketch everyday single day, there's really no secret.

Get "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". Very famous book. If you have an art teacher I'm sure he/she can lend you a copy.
Ehhh... Instead of Art class I decided to take music class, I only took music because I'm more advanced in music than any other class...

Thanks for the book suggestion tho.
You could skip all that boring stuff and just have a montage. Poof! You're a professional artist.

But really, TheSomeone is right, draw everyday. I've heard good things about that book too.
Jerk off every day. The new muscles in your arms will make you a better and steadier artist!

Or take the new drug "Artistrogen" Side effects include not being a better artist.

Or, ya know... practice?
Show us, fo 'shizzle.

What you can draw, I mean.
If you're like me, which I hope for my self-esteem's sake it's not, you were born without the ability to articulate drawing skills.

Give up while you can! Save yourself the embarrasment!
Just keep practicing. I don't which is why I suck.
if you want to draw, you have to practise.

I see that you want a quick fix way to learn how to draw like a pro. Sure, i'd like this too but you and I have to practice as much as possible. Buy a sketchpad and a set of pencils and get cracking!
Like the last couple of posts I will copy and paste "Just practice" to increase post count.

Just Practice. :naughty:
But since you're Canadian, you'll probably fail in everything you start on.
Here's a tip.

When you're drawing, don't think about your subject at all. Pick out negative space (space around the object) and look at certain shapes and lines that are interesting, start with those. That usually helps to make a successful drawing.
let me let you in on a little secret, everyone sucks when they first start ..and absolutely everyone goes about the wrong way in improving their skill. I cant stress this enough: you will see little improvement if all you do is sketch from memory. The absolute best way to become more technically proficient is to take life drawing classes (draw a live model on a stage in quick poses). As a former art teacher and artist myself I've witnessed first hand on how a mediocre artist can turn into a proficient one in just 6 months. It's all about learning to see ..talent is immaterial as people can be taught to draw as long as they learn to "see"
I could swear I rememberd a tutorial sticky was in this section, cause I contributeed to it. But in any case this is a good site with basic to pro explenation and some tutorial on how to color in photoshop.
I only got good at drawing from doing it so much.
I remember i used to constantly draw things in primary school, a teacher recognised my talent and ensured i was allowed to do it lots.
AntiAnto said:
But since you're Canadian, you'll probably fail in everything you start on.

Hey shut your face, I'm aboot to chop you in half with my Lumber Jack Axe, Have some Canadian Bacon with Paul Buniun, and do it all again Eh?

Seriously don't be gay....

As for the main topic... I guess you could say I practice, I usually draw on my books and stuff in school, there are a few good drawings in there.. not much.. :p
Dog-- said:
Hey shut your face, I'm aboot to chop you in half with my Lumber Jack Axe, Have some Canadian Bacon with Paul Buniun, and do it all again Eh?

Seriously don't be gay....

Hehe buddy, look at my location. :) Ohh the irony.
oooooooooooo buuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnn... At my expense of course but....... umm........ *Runs Away*