I think I just found something out!

The Bait

Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Some of us have wondered why City 17 has no kids. Right? I was one of those. I wondered why that playground was their at the begining of the game. Well, I was just playing again then it hit me. When you first start the game and you hear Dr. Breen talking about breeding. Like, "Will they ever shut down the suppresion field and let us breed again?" Well, when you walk near those guys in front of that building near the playground they say. "It always starts like this, first a building then the whole block."
"Well, they have no reason to come to our place."
"Don't Worry, they'll find one."
I started thinking then it hit me. Maybe the combine were looking for kids? Discuss. ;)
I think the suppresion field might be stopping them having children in the first place.
You're close. There are no kids because the supression field has been in place for some time. Won't matter anyway since the combine is changing the earth's atmosphere to be suitable for them (and lethal to us).

EDIT: The "Raising the Bar" book talks about this a bit.
dont think so, the combine put the suppression field to stop the normal humans reproducing, apparently to change earth into a place for another species, well all according to the article on the history of the hl universe, look in the news archives to find it.

what does that thing do? do men get a elektro shock in thier pants when they think about sex?
First of all, LYKOMGWTF U R WINZ!!1

*ahem* Anyone who had half a brain while playing HL2 or who wasn't stoned would know this. Now, I don't think the Combine would have been looking for kids, as there are no kids in C17....the Combine are enforcing a suppression field, while also randomly oppressing citizens.
Actually there were kid worker slaves models in the stolen build. They got edited out of final game because you can't have kids like that in a game. And it fits into story about no more breeding because the combine want to control the planet.
OMG YOU ****ING IDIOTS!!! how can you be so dumb?

ok first of all, Breen is talking "moral/matrix" talk, he means that the combine are ruling the earth, and are treating humans like animals, so he says: Will the ever shut down theyr suppresion field, He means that Blue shield where only combines can walk through, then he says: Will they never let us breath again? He means that they are treating us like animals, prisoners, will the ever let us BREATH, LIVE OUR LIFE WITHOUT THIS WAR!!!

The the 2 persons say: First it starts with a building, then the whole block. I think they mean that the Combine KNOW that you escaped from that room where you meat barney, and the pictures that that camera took of you showed them who you are, breen saw them and ordered them to take me, when they find out that you have escaped, they search THE FIRST BUILDING, then THE WHOLE BLOCK, and then a guy in the window say: They are looking for someone. Well GORDON FREEMAN;YOU BASTARD; AWWH; HOW CAN YOU BE SO ****ING DUMB; YOU **** ASSHOLE; YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!! AAAAA

how the hell do you think alyx have grow up? she says: You probably dont remember me from black mesa. Well, she was a litle girl following his dad to work (the black dude) so how could she grow up? you dumbass, think!!!
Ravioli said:
OMG YOU ****ING IDIOTS!!! how can you be so dumb?

ok first of all, Breen is talking "moral/matrix" talk, he means that the combine are ruling the earth, and are treating humans like animals, so he says: Will the ever shut down theyr suppresion field, He means that Blue shield where only combines can walk through, then he says: Will they never let us breath again? He means that they are treating us like animals, prisoners, will the ever let us BREATH, LIVE OUR LIFE WITHOUT THIS WAR!!!

:LOL: He says breed. The letter says "why has the combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle?"
I think the suppression field is enviromental. If it wasn't, Valve would have put a kid in the picture when you left City 17. It's their style; I'm pretty sure it's in the air.

Love is in the air...or not

BTW, How is is really stopped? Does it kill the sperm before or after is ejaculated? Can it even grow? Can it even be ejaculated, or killed in the first place? IMHO, it's got something to do with the women. They probably would not do anything to men, because no matter what they do, they can't get themselfs a baby. However, a woman and a scientist that can develope a sperm cell, probably could get the woman bubbled up without the sexxoring.
that makes it impossible for gordon and alyx to have babies. too bad all u romantics :p
well, as you might now, that is right. They all have Gas mask, and breen says himself at the end when he is talking to Nihilitath it think, a big creature, then when you enter the room it startes to shake and dissepear. When breen talked to "IT" he sayd: Yes, i can deliver earth, but i cant BREATH in your enviroment, WHAT, contain my body? are you crazy? he says. So combines are delivering earth to Xen so they can live easyer then on rocks lol.
KagePrototype said:
:LOL: He says breed. The letter says "why has the combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle?"
[Quick Response Unit]
Uh..Uhm... But we humans reproduce by airborne spores.
Ravioli said:
OMG YOU ****ING IDIOTS!!! how can you be so dumb?

ok first of all, Breen is talking "moral/matrix" talk, he means that the combine are ruling the earth, and are treating humans like animals, so he says: Will the ever shut down theyr suppresion field, He means that Blue shield where only combines can walk through, then he says: Will they never let us breath again? He means that they are treating us like animals, prisoners, will the ever let us BREATH, LIVE OUR LIFE WITHOUT THIS WAR!!!

The the 2 persons say: First it starts with a building, then the whole block. I think they mean that the Combine KNOW that you escaped from that room where you meat barney, and the pictures that that camera took of you showed them who you are, breen saw them and ordered them to take me, when they find out that you have escaped, they search THE FIRST BUILDING, then THE WHOLE BLOCK, and then a guy in the window say: They are looking for someone. Well GORDON FREEMAN;YOU BASTARD; AWWH; HOW CAN YOU BE SO ****ING DUMB; YOU **** ASSHOLE; YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!! AAAAA

how the hell do you think alyx have grow up? she says: You probably dont remember me from black mesa. Well, she was a litle girl following his dad to work (the black dude) so how could she grow up? you dumbass, think!!!
Calm down u mofo...i think the combine's rushing through the blocks is rutine cuz it seemed like it since all of the citizens knew where to run and stuff...

Ravioli said:
well, as you might now, that is right. They all have Gas mask, and breen says himself at the end when he is talking to Nihilitath it think, a big creature, then when you enter the room it startes to shake and dissepear. When breen talked to "IT" he sayd: Yes, i can deliver earth, but i cant BREATH in your enviroment, WHAT, contain my body? are you crazy? he says. So combines are delivering earth to Xen so they can live easyer then on rocks lol.
Actually the popular theory is that Xen was under Combine control until the death of Nihilianth.
Ravioli said:
OMG YOU ****ING IDIOTS!!! how can you be so dumb?

ok first of all, Breen is talking "moral/matrix" talk, he means that the combine are ruling the earth, and are treating humans like animals, so he says: Will the ever shut down theyr suppresion field, He means that Blue shield where only combines can walk through, then he says: Will they never let us breath again? He means that they are treating us like animals, prisoners, will the ever let us BREATH, LIVE OUR LIFE WITHOUT THIS WAR!!!

The the 2 persons say: First it starts with a building, then the whole block. I think they mean that the Combine KNOW that you escaped from that room where you meat barney, and the pictures that that camera took of you showed them who you are, breen saw them and ordered them to take me, when they find out that you have escaped, they search THE FIRST BUILDING, then THE WHOLE BLOCK, and then a guy in the window say: They are looking for someone. Well GORDON FREEMAN;YOU BASTARD; AWWH; HOW CAN YOU BE SO ****ING DUMB; YOU **** ASSHOLE; YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!! AAAAA

how the hell do you think alyx have grow up? she says: You probably dont remember me from black mesa. Well, she was a litle girl following his dad to work (the black dude) so how could she grow up? you dumbass, think!!!
You're an idiot.

The suppression field is not the blue field things, and all it does is prevent reproduction. No one is a dumbass for speculation except for the person who calls someone else a dumbass, especially falsely.

The quote "They'll find a reason" is referring to how the Combine are going to come up with an excuse to search the house; they're just routinely searching, hoping to bust resistance people.
BREATH in your enviroment
Actually is more like
"But I can't possible survive in those conditions"
I can turn on subtilites and get an exact wording if you soo desire me to.
Remember the teleporter was oringally sent to send alyx and eli to a very.... horrible place.
Minerel said:
Actually is more like
"But I can't possible survive in those conditions"
I can turn on subtilites and get an exact wording if you soo desire me to.
Remember the teleporter was oringally sent to send alyx and eli to a very.... horrible place.
Different part of the game.
Ravioli said:
OMG YOU ****ING IDIOTS!!! how can you be so dumb?

ok first of all, Breen is talking "moral/matrix" talk, he means that the combine are ruling the earth, and are treating humans like animals, so he says: Will the ever shut down theyr suppresion field, He means that Blue shield where only combines can walk through, then he says: Will they never let us breath again? He means that they are treating us like animals, prisoners, will the ever let us BREATH, LIVE OUR LIFE WITHOUT THIS WAR!!!

The the 2 persons say: First it starts with a building, then the whole block. I think they mean that the Combine KNOW that you escaped from that room where you meat barney, and the pictures that that camera took of you showed them who you are, breen saw them and ordered them to take me, when they find out that you have escaped, they search THE FIRST BUILDING, then THE WHOLE BLOCK, and then a guy in the window say: They are looking for someone. Well GORDON FREEMAN;YOU BASTARD; AWWH; HOW CAN YOU BE SO ****ING DUMB; YOU **** ASSHOLE; YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!! AAAAA

how the hell do you think alyx have grow up? she says: You probably dont remember me from black mesa. Well, she was a litle girl following his dad to work (the black dude) so how could she grow up? you dumbass, think!!!

You just made yourself sound like a total idiot.

Here's my take on the situation:

1. The Combine broke into the apartments looking for resistance members and trouble makers. They weren't looking for you(Gordon Freeman) initially. If they had been looking for you from the start, then why were you able to just walk right by the Combine police?

2. The suppression field keeps people from having offspring. We all know that. Here's the question: What happened to the children that were alive when the invasion started? Murdered, or allowed to mature and then turned into Combine troops? Thats what I'd like to know. The Combine wants to either:
a. control the human population
b. alter our physiology to their liking(i.e. forced evolution)
c. preparing us as a slave race

Try to wrap your noodle around that. ;)
i wish people wouldnt keep going on about "raising the bar" cause now i'm gonna need to buy it, and its a big company whos making it, its not like a few fans decided to make it, its a massive company, they dont need help advertising.

/goes and buys it

lol, What game in the whole world have children? very few, IF half-life2 would have that, it would be 18+ or even not legally in several countreys, shot babeys, children running in the street etc, valve would take a BIG hit if they did that.
Ravioli said:
lol, What game in the whole world have children? very few, IF half-life2 would have that, it would be 18+ or even not legally in several countreys, shot babeys, children running in the street etc, valve would take a BIG hit if they did that.

heh, In Deus Ex, you could kill children. You could bloody set them on fire if you wanted, and I don't remember that game ever getting flak over it, and I dont think the rating was that high either. :)
satch919 said:
You just made yourself sound like a total idiot.

Don't feed the trolls.

Also, I didn't bother to know this. I am not playing Halflife2 that much, and haven't gotten around to complete it yet without cheating.

But all those theories are cool, thanks for the insight. now I think City 17 is a more sinister place.
KagePrototype said:
heh, In Deus Ex, you could kill children. You could bloody set them on fire if you wanted, and I don't remember that game ever getting flak over it, and I dont think the rating was that high either. :)
Right...but the second a video game lets you pick up a hooker, **** her, pay here, then beat her death with a baseball bat and take back the money, everybody makes a big fuss.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Right...but the second a video game lets you beat a hooker to death with a baseball bat, everybody makes a big fuss.

Yeah, go figure. :|
Ravioli said:
lol, What game in the whole world have children? very few, IF half-life2 would have that, it would be 18+ or even not legally in several countreys, shot babeys, children running in the street etc, valve would take a BIG hit if they did that.

The game, Fable, has children. You can't kill them though.

I don't get it. In movies, children can die and whatnot. We can go into other countries and kill, maim, and torture innocent civilians but we can't put it in a game? Smells like B.S. to me. If game companies want to put children into a game, fine. Its up to the player to decide how to handle the situation.
Ravioli said:
lol, What game in the whole world have children? very few, IF half-life2 would have that, it would be 18+ or even not legally in several countreys, shot babeys, children running in the street etc, valve would take a BIG hit if they did that.
No they wouldn't, the children would be unkillable just like all friendly NPCs, only the combine would kill 'em, and they're already the bad guys.
reason there are no children: The combine have been in power for 10+ years, you wonder why alyx (who was about about 9 in black mesa) is like 19 now?

The children that were already born when the supression field (which stops reproduction via unknown means) went into effect grew up, thats why there are no more children...
Ravioli said:
and breen says himself at the end when he is talking to Nihilitath it think, a big creature, then when you enter the room it startes to shake and dissepear.
Thats actually called a combine informer. It used to be able to move, but developed/evolved so much ,it lost its movement, and now depends on its technology and wisdom to survive. It makes all the decisions apparently...More 'Raising the Bar' info there. :)
The Bait said:
Some of us have wondered why City 17 has no kids. Right? I was one of those. I wondered why that playground was their at the begining of the game. Well, I was just playing again then it hit me. When you first start the game and you hear Dr. Breen talking about breeding. Like, "Will they ever shut down the suppresion field and let us breed again?" Well, when you walk near those guys in front of that building near the playground they say. "It always starts like this, first a building then the whole block."
"Well, they have no reason to come to our place."
"Don't Worry, they'll find one."
I started thinking then it hit me. Maybe the combine were looking for kids? Discuss. ;)


There are no children because there is no reproduction of humans. They have not been able to breed for at least close to a decade, all weak children have died out. This is so obvious.
on the plus side killing kids isn't necessary to finish the game

edit: That made no sense, i'll leave it, feel free to mock :sleep:
First a house, then a block, then a city or whatever refers to how the combine spread. The citadels walls expand outward, and if u notice, later on in the game you return to that same area, only the wall has taken over most of it. It's just the way they spread, nothing more.
FISKER_Q said:
[Quick Response Unit]
Uh..Uhm... But we humans reproduce by airborne spores.
Airborne eh? That's some leet skillz right there.