I think I will not watch tv again


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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well offcourse is not true but yesterday in the night I was ored so I decided to watch some tv and that was a big mistake

for example there is a channel here that get various americans show and they where showing one called "american inventor"

and that was stupid,seriously some people where just retarded there and the whole "omfg the drama" and the "is for america!" thing was rediculous

also I changed to mtv to see if there was some south park (here in mtv latinamerican they show southpark) but there was this show called yo mama that was a competition about who say better yo mama insult,just what the hell?

I will send a idea to those studios, american next top defecator will be, it will be about finding the best defecator,whit cameras in toilets and everything, and showing the passion of the contester and how theyr dreams dont come true but will keep defecating for america
it will be a success

now seriously if show like that exist then anything can become a show isnt

and I will not adventure in other channels and show, I get traumatized
latin mtv is just as bad as american mtv, which is why i don't watch it unless southpark is on (or karla gomez or that other chick that picks videos :D)

but anyway renting movies is better if you wanna watch something cool.

youtube and torrents are cool, too.
dont offend but mexican TV is the worst

especially mexican soap operas, the most stupid thing ever
I spent a week in Mexico and watching the old American cartoon in spanish was probably the high point of the week...

As for these MTV programs..that does sound retarded. I dont think Ive seen it here, but I delete MTV from my channel list...
That's why I've sworn off everything but Comedy Central and Nickelodeon.........I shit you not.
dont offend but mexican TV is the worst

especially mexican soap operas, the most stupid thing ever

none taken, i really agree with you.

i once watched about 5 minutes of a soap when i literally laughed my balls off at the horrible plot and bad acting.
Yeah I once watched an american soap where this like 45 year old woman is drinking whine and one of the other characters commented "You're not old enough to drink" like she was 17....I fell out of my bed laughing...
I realized today that pretty much all of my favorite TV shows have either been cancelled (Twin Peaks, Firefly) or have passed their prime (the Simpsons, Lost).
I still hate fox whit a passion for the cancelation of arrested development

and one thing that exist in all the latinamerican tv (well problably in the rest of the world too) is sexism and machism
I never really got into Arrested Development. It was the sort of thing where I understood that it was funny, I just never really laughed. Then again, I only saw one or two episodes.
Yeah I once watched an american soap where this like 45 year old woman is drinking whine and one of the other characters commented "You're not old enough to drink" like she was 17....I fell out of my bed laughing...
Yeah... I still can't get over that they're trying to act as 16-17 year olds in Smallville/the OC...
Yeah... I still can't get over that they're trying to act as 16-17 year olds in Smallville/the OC...

I never understood what so great about the damed OC, in my school many people where talking about that,and laguna beach
I never understood what so great about the damed OC, in my school many people where talking about that,and laguna beach

Because if your school is anything like mine, the fans of that show are annoying, well-raised douchebags who love to be brainwashed by sterotypical teenage drama shit on TV, and haven't been exposed to real entertainment. It's also pathetic that Smallville, a show that was good for a season or two, took the route of "teenage drama show"
<RJMC> said:
I never understood what so great about the damed OC, in my school many people where talking about that,and laguna beach

Well the only reason I've put myself up to watching a few episodes is Rachel Bilson:p .

Slacker said:
It's also pathetic that Smallville, a show that was good for a season or two, took the route of "teenage drama show"

It did damn:( . I've only seen the first two seasons of it and really liked it.
"teenage drama show":x
House my only favorate show becides family guy, some time's I put on HBO to watch Dane Cook.
<RJMC>, can I ask you something? Do you actually make spelling and grammatical mistakes on purpose? If not, why don't you use a spell checker? Click on that "ABC" icon on the upper right corner of the "Quick Reply" text field for a free spell checker. Just a friendly suggestion. :thumbs:
<RJMC>, can I ask you something? Do you actually make spelling and grammatical mistakes on purpose? If not, why don't you use a spell checker? Click on that "ABC" icon on the upper right corner of the "Quick Reply" text field for a free spell checker. Just a friendly suggestion. :thumbs:

He's from South America,it isnt his first language.
<RJMC>, can I ask you something? Do you actually make spelling and grammatical mistakes on purpose? If not, why don't you use a spell checker? Click on that "ABC" icon on the upper right corner of the "Quick Reply" text field for a free spell checker. Just a friendly suggestion. :thumbs:

edit: nvm
I can't help but agree. I almost neve watch TV nowadays, except when for House MD.
crime drama, "reality" show, crime drama, "reality" show, poker crime drama, crime drama, crime drama, "reality" show, poker, crime drama...

that's basically the line up.

I just don't understand how people can watch this filth, especially all the shows like CSI, and NUMB3RS, and all the other B.S. shows, ESPECIALLY shows like The OC. OMG NOBODY LIVES LIKE THAT~!!!~12U390!&8y!g&!!

Even non-teen drama shows that still inject drama into it, like PINKS on speed channel. "dude you were totally sand bagging", "no we totally weren't", "I want 15 lengths", "well give you 1/4 length AND we get 4 stages of nitrous", AHG&(!Y*(!Y!G&!!!!!
I never really got into Arrested Development. It was the sort of thing where I understood that it was funny, I just never really laughed. Then again, I only saw one or two episodes.

Arrested Development was like that for me first as well. But after about 4-5 episodes it became the funniest tv show i had ever seen. And still is. Awesome show.
Youtube has nearly replaced TV for me. No more watching the music channels in hopes on finding a specific music video you want to watch. Its all there on Youtube now. The only thing that keeps me watching TV are the shows and even then you can now download them onto your ipod or computer. Say goodbye to the TV generation and hello to the Digital generation.
TV pretty much died for me when Friends stopped. I still watch Simpsons when I can.
CSI always gets cited, and I can understand resentment towards its legions of spinoffs (all two of them). But the show itself is not only the template for all the ones that followed, but its still one of the smartest things on TV. The fact that it often receives the highest ratings of ANYTHING in the US is always encouraging because its smart entertainment.
CSI always gets cited, and I can understand resentment towards its legions of spinoffs (all two of them). But the show itself is not only the template for all the ones that followed, but its still one of the smartest things on TV. The fact that it often receives the highest ratings of ANYTHING in the US is always encouraging because its smart entertainment.

You're kidding me right? Everything is spoon fed to you, the characters often partake in contrived conversations just to explain things to eachother that they already know, so the audience doesn't feel left out and change the channel. Not to mention they are in one of the most unrealistic settings ive ever seen on television. Everything at the crime scene is super dark so they can use their product placement maglights, the labs they work in have no light at all just for the purpose of style( i mean who needs light when you're examining evidence), plus they are able to do things with audio video that are beyond a technicians wildest dreams.

" ok stop there, now digitize"

Zooms in, upps resolution 30 times

"we have our man"

I've never seen a show that prides itself on realism be so unrealistic.

You wanna see an intelligent cop drama.........the wire.
You're looking in the wrong places for what I'm talking about. Stylistic decisions aside (crazy lighting etc), they're only really guilty of all the little kludges and technical sleights of hand that all cops shows perform. Yeah, its much harder to dig something out in Photoshop than it is on the show, but who cares? In the end the result is the same. As an aside, there's been more than one self-referential joke on the show pointing about such things, and their accuracy has improved vastly over the years.

The actual writing of the show is excellent, with complex story arcs, and even more complicated mysteries that often span several episodes or even an entire series at a time. Anyone who doubts this can refer to the currently running season. We've got an active investigation into the actions of one of the CSIs, that persons conflicted mental state, the rape and daughter kidnapping of another CSI, the death of that CSI's father, and a serial killer with seemingly random victims. All in addition to the one or two cases handled in each episode.

I could even go into the large amount of episodes in recent seasons featuring interesting experiments in story-telling ranging from a series of vignettes, opposite POV episodes, and simultaneous event splits, but that's unnecessary.
quality over quantity.

ex. 1:
We've got an active investigation into the actions of one of the CSIs, that persons conflicted mental state, the rape and daughter kidnapping of another CSI, the death of that CSI's father, and a serial killer with seemingly random victims. All in addition to the one or two cases handled in each episode.

That description makes it sound like a soap opera. Wahh drama, waahh, pay attention to me, look at all the stuff we have going on!
Of course thats always the risk when you get into emotional territory, but they pull it off well enough that it's never really tried my patience. I'm a sucker for a good mystery regardless, and they've had some great ones. Really I can't make any better recommendation than just watching it, especially recent episodes. I don't take issue with anyone who doesn't like it (obviously thats futile and juvenile), I just don't think it could ever be called stupid or unintelligent.

As for TV in general, theres a small book that was published in the last few years called Everything Bad Is Good For You. It explores the benefits people get from videogames, TV, movies, and all the other things that people say are ruining society. The author makes a very convincing argument that popular TV these days is incredibly complicated compared to what was on TV thirty years ago.