I think I'm a mutant

Jan 12, 2009
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A sleep mutant!

No one knows why some lucky folks thrive on five or six hours of sleep per night, while the rest of us suffer if we don’t get eight hours of shut-eye. But now scientists have discovered a genetic mutation that could be responsible for the eternal perkiness of short-sleepers.

Scientists say the average adult needs eight to 8.5 hours of sleep each night to function optimally, but the short-sleepers reported feeling great on a lifetime average of only 6.25 hours per night. And unlike most of us, who catch up on sleep whenever we take vacation, the mutation carriers stuck to their short sleep schedule even when they had no responsibilities.


Seriously, I run on a few hours a days even when school starts. I always have been that way since childhood. I should get myself tested.
That's a nifty story. I suppose I'm a mutant as well. I cannot recall the last time I've slept for 6+ hours.
I sleep anywhere from 5 hours to 12 hours tbh.
If I don't have to get up early I sleep about 10 hrs. The longest I've ever slept was for 14 hrs.
Every action I've taken since I was 19 has been whilst I've slept. When I wake up, I am going to be jolly mad at myself!
I feel fine after 5-6 hours of sleep. About once a week I have a 10 to 12-hour sleep fest.
I've slept maybe 5 hours the past 2 days or so and I feel alive although dead on the inside.
Provided I haven't stayed awake longer than usual, I sleep 8 hours - almost to the minute - if not disturbed.

I'll bet 'sleep mutants' die young, negating any extra time they had while awake during life.
I need to sleep 8-9 hours or else I feel like shit when I wake up. Sucks because I only get 5-6 during the week. I can't fall asleep until around 1am, and I need to be up by 7:30.

But I always feel fine during the day on that amount of sleep, its just waking up thats near impossible for me.
I like 6-8 hrs of sleep myself. average is about 7 for me
yeah i get headaches too when i sleep around 10-15 hrs...but thats only when im sick with the flu or just overtired from extra nights out
Ehh. I guess I just really like to sleep. My brother says if he sleeps to long, he feels like he got hit by a car. I love sleeping long, and if the satisfaction of getting up after a long rest feels like getting hit by a car, then I might as well run out into the middle of the street right now, and have myself a nap.
During work days? I usually get 6-7 hours of sleep.

Weekend? Usually 8.
I like naps too, but I have to be running super low on sleep to actually be able to nap for a while.
Does anyone here go to sleep at the same time every night? I wish I could commit to that, I wake up with headaches if I stayed up too long the night before.
Everyone is mutated in some way. Just most of the time it's unnoticeable.
Super asshole is definitely a power. I've occasionally wielded it's awesome power inadvertently, but I find it incredibly difficult to control or use to any advantage.
There's too many gray areas for any of these tests to reveal much of anything--variables pertaining to quality of sleep, preexisting medical conditions, actual time spent in REM sleep, age range, etc. Sure, there may be some gene that allows for higher functioning on less sleep--but most of you are probably just nodding off in class and functioning like zombies!
i slept for over 11 hours last night and felt tired the restof the day. BUt when I sleep for about seven hours i feel great.
Don't worry Melanie, life as it is today is just a result of a bunch of mutations. You're perfectly normGOOD GOD WHAT THE **** HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?

I am not getting to sleep anytime soon since my mum is playing on the computer really loud up until 7 in the morning and sleeping through till 1. And when my mum is doing that all the mice decide its time to come out and trash my house and I can hear them going up my stairs and rusling through stuff. I have spent an entire night awake just a few days ago and I still function perfectly normal for some reason. Today I did not get to bed till 4 and I woke up at nine something or other but I feel fine.
I am not getting to sleep anytime soon since my mum is playing on the computer really loud up until 7 in the morning and sleeping through till 1.
You could try these:

And when my mum is doing that all the mice decide its time to come out and trash my house and I can hear them going up my stairs and rusling through stuff.
the Mice Cube works fantastic:
Thanks. I really need those ear plugs. Mice keep coming back though no matter what I try. Its the whole area thats infested so they just keep coming in from other houses.
the Mice Cube works fantastic:

Those thing are more inhumane that killing mouse traps if you think about it, as the mouse is sitting in there terrified, and like it said, it may expire due to a lack of oxygen. A nipper just kills it, just like that, no pain, and they can't come back.

Then again, I don't like killing animals just like that (unless they're a F*CKING WASP).

Neither would be effeicent against Blackbishops infestation, so an exterminator would be a better idea.

Anyway, I can do it about 7 hours, but prefer 9 to 11.
I feel shit when being waken regardless if I've slept for 5 hours or 12 hours. But the feeling passes, and I can make it though weeks of just 5-6 hours of sleep on average per night.
Those thing are more inhumane that killing mouse traps if you think about it, as the mouse is sitting in there terrified, and like it said, it may expire due to a lack of oxygen. A nipper just kills it, just like that, no pain, and they can't come back.
no pain? I've seen them there with their neck broken or back crushed in, but they are fully conscious.

After I catch one in a Mice Cube, I drive him to the water's edge to let him go, which admittedly is more effort than most people are willing to put forth.

Last night I put some ear plugs in and turned my fan on high, laid in the bed and I accidentally fell asleep fully dressed. My fan is loud as shit, but it's summer time here.