I think i'm gay....


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
... NOT. But now i've got your attention...

I was made redundant today. Not my fault, the place is going down the sh1tter and cant afford to pay the bills let alone the wages, so me and 4 others have been 'cut off'. Meh. Redundancy money soon though.

In other news, I just got a Nokia770. It's mint.
Sell your body on the streets for a little extra cash.

That sucks, where were ya working Pobzy?
Aww, you got my hopes up. <3
You're not? What the hell am I going to do with this surplus drum of vaseline and the Graham Norton inflatible doll?


That does suck Pobz.... but redundancy money? It was a pay-off rather than a lay-off?

Although, I'm sure that handy degree will land you more employment.
Yeah it was a pay off, I was the latest to join and so the cheapest to cut. The others were part timers and old timers from the shop floor.

I was the IT guy at a garden centre. I've got another 2 weeks to 'work' (yeah right) before I leave. I'm just going to f**k the puters up something rotten. I already beat seven shades of shit out of the printer today. Felt gooood.
Aaaaaw yeah.
:laugh: Yep, just like that... Although now it doesn't print blue - it comes out a shade of pink instead ... which is highly amusing, since the company logo is blue. Well, it 'used' to be blue. Guess now it's a gayden centre.

<3 office space
Sorry about the job, remember to keep your stapler, or if you don't have one, steal one.
Is being "made redundant" the same thing as being "laid off"? Sorry, im American.
Here I was expecting chinese doctors to have found a way to alter male genes so they can grow (proper) breasts aswell.
When did "I got fired" get translated to "I was let go/I was made redunant"
set up some remote control servers on their machines so you can mess with 'em from a distance :p
Ive not been fired ... Redundancy is where they pay you money, you work your redundancy notice, and then you leave. My notice is 2 weeks. I leave soon.

btw your attempt at gaining my attention failed, as evident by my immediate response to only your thread title and not thread post.
I just knew you were hiding something all this time. But whatever floats your boat pobzie. Heck, ill be right behind you if you know what i mean. :naughty:
T'was my last day today ... I've got my redundancy pay and now I'm free.

Ahhh it feels good.
Hmm, I thought that this was the thread about cuddling. O well, you like to cuddle Pobz?
Gimme some MOTHER****ING CUDDLES :angry:

Yeah, I like em.
Perhaps you don't realize it's a giant piss-take based on the thread you made previously.

My friend came out through an IM and said he thought he was gay.
All I said was, 'That sucks.'
I'm not going to talk to him anymore.

Can I cuddle with you, Krynn?
Have you guys tried naked cuddles? They're awesome.
My friend came out through an IM and said he thought he was gay.
All I said was, 'That sucks.'
I'm not going to talk to him anymore.

Can I cuddle with you, Krynn?

wow, thats not ignorant at all. nope...