I think I'm going to be sick.

EA's going nowhere.. apparently Rupert Murdoch/News Corp who is trying to break into the gaming market is interested in buying a company like EA...
Hey, I like my secluded life! You're just jealous that you don't have big full breasts like mine!
I didn't know EA had any superhero's. Or am I forgetting some obvious console games?
Minerel said:
EA will buy there way into heaven.
I don't think so.

Jesus will probally lay the smack down on them.
EA bought jesus years ago :(

EDIT: Thinking about this

If EA makes all the DC comic games (or WB, pretty much the same since WB owns DC) and they want to make a Vs. Marvel game, couldnt they just make DC vs. Marvel?
Like who?

The Amazing Milkcow?
The Insidious Imperialist?
The Monopoly Mastermind?
The Super Sim?

It will most likely suck, pulling a rogue agent once again

Most people will buy thinking it will be like marvel vs. capcom, but it most likely wont,
I absolutely love this quote:

Allen Lipson said:
This is a tremendous opportunity for EA to create new characters for fighting games that can be exploited through our global merchandise licensing machine to fuel sales in many other product categories

Shameless capitalism gives me such a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. :dozey:
Ahah, I was about to quote the same thing.

You can tell that these new characters are going to be lame with a capital L.
I mean, they're being designed specifically for no reason other than to create merchandise. What ever happened to superheros that people give a damn about?