I want a game that will scare the pants off me!


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I've already played Clive Barkers Undying (scary shit), Doom 3, and I just bought system shock 2 off of ebay. Any other suggestions? Thanks! :afro:
I second the Silent Hill suggestion. Wow.......what a game. The sound, or lack thereof, will have you on edge the whole time.
Vampire isn't really that scary.

Silent Hill is (apparently) very good for that sort of thing.
I personally think System Shock 1 is even scarier than 2. Shame you need to use a crowbar to get it to work on a modern PC.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Vampire isn't really that scary.

Silent Hill is (apparently) very good for that sort of thing.

that level in the mansion with the ghost was quite well done though. creeped me out a few times when i saw the ghost jus flicker in teh distance
System Shock 2 should tide you over. And scare the shit outta you
Oh yeah the ghost one was good. Though I wasted all that time in the end because I gave the amulet to the wrong person :x
if you hav a PS2 I recomend fatal frame

and for PC alien vs predator 2 playing as human, Idont know why but some mission are just very scary
everyone should play a sh game atleast once,it'll totally weird you out
take it from me dude, i own and play all four silent hill games to date. very very dark in gameplay. Amazing atmosphere, and the sounds will keep u up all night. Try out number 2 first i would say...


Mike :P
is silent hill 4 any good, i;ve only played part 2 and it rocked. but this ones in a ROOM or summit so i;m not too sure
Which silent hill should I try?

What games are there besides the silent hill and res. evil. I forgot to add I did play EvP 2.
Hhhm, i really can only think of resident evil and silent hill, but you want to get silent hill 4 and i dont know the latest resident evil just my friend has it.
I have RE4, it's not really as scary as the others, but a hell of a lot more fun.
The only scary games that I have played were very good, and also some of the best games of all time IMO

Silent Hill series
Doom 3
Fatal Frame series
Resident evil series
MarcoPollo said:
^^ silent hill wishes it was resi evil!

i could kill you.....i could honestly really kill you

infact if i was to see you in person, i would not be able to resist scowling at you...scowling and weeing on your tracksuit
Vigilante said:
Which silent hill should I try?

well.....in my opinion:

silent hill 1: THE scariest silent hill game in the series
silent hill 2: absolutley AMAZING storyline
silent hill 3: very disturbing
silent hill 4: quite disturbing and...theres just something very edgy about it
Doppelgofer said:
infact if i was to see you in person, i would not be able to resist scowling at you...scowling and weeing on your tracksuit

i was jk i love the SH series cept sh 2 for some reason and SH 3 scared me to crap!
i can understand why you don't like silent hill 2....i didn't at first after the original silent hill it seemed TOO subtle....but then i found its art is IN the subtlety and story telling...

silent hill 2 is now my favourite of the series and i recommend you play it again
Another vote for System Shock 2....
'I want my Mum, I don't want to go down that ladder...there's bad things down there, I've only got five bullets and my guns about to break, I think I'll just go and hide in my cryo tube...''
Have you tried tetris?

I still wake up in cold sweats after having nightmares of the blocks getting higher and higher ... ;( The music too is just terrifying. I don't recommend you play this one at night.
The marine campaign of the original Aliens vs. Predator can be pretty harrowing, if you can handle the graphics of yesteryear.

Edit~ System Shock 2 is about as good as it gets, though.
PC : Aliens vs Predator 1 + 2
PS2 : Fatal Frame 1 + 2
GC : RE4
Xbox : Silent Hill 4
Barbie's magical horse stable...

although old,
Resident evil 2 made me jump a bit the first time i played it
I found Eternal Darkness scary at times. Probably just me though. :o
kupoartist said:
I personally think System Shock 1 is even scarier than 2. Shame you need to use a crowbar to get it to work on a modern PC.

I couldn't even get the crowbar to get the dam thing working.
SimonomiS said:
I found Eternal Darkness scary at times. Probably just me though. :o

is that the one with the insanity meter?
Buy Thief 3 and play the Cradle level. One of the scariest levels in any videogame I've ever played.

Shit, I actually physically shivered when I thought about it just then :O
Try Medal of Honor: Pacific Assult
That was a pretty scary game, if ya know wut i mean :naughty:

worst MOH ever!!!! :flame:
If you can get your hands on the old PSX game: Clock tower you should definatly buy it.