i want css to start on different settings


Nov 28, 2004
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ok everytime css starts i have to type in cl_ragdoll_collide 1 so the ragdolls will layontop of eachother properly but is awlys goes away is there a file i can put this command in so it will start like that
make a .cfg file with the commands listed in it and have it run whenever css runs by typing "exec thatfile.cfg" in the advanced target text box thingie.
Here's a better way to do this.

In your CS:S cstrike cfg folder, create a new .txt document. Inside, type each command you wish to enable upon start-up of CS:S like so:

cl_ragdoll_collide 1
cl_smooth 0
cl_showfps 1

On seperate lines especially. Now, instead of just saving the .txt, choose save as, and under File Type, choose All and then in the filename save it as autoexec.cfg. Now load up CS:S and the .cfg will automatically be executed. :D
cl_smooth 0
cl_showfps 1

cl_showfps shows the fps
cl_smooth does something with the smoothness of the mouse I think. Don't think it makes too much difference.