I want to be a Mod Muzischnin

Dec 12, 2004
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Hi, I am looking to do some sound effects/music for a mod or two. Below are links to some of my tracks. I do mostly electronic/dance stuff but am up for a bit of crossover styles. I have some time but not that much, so I couldn't write an hour of ingame music! Hopefully, the guys over at sourceball will take a look at this thread sometime, as I think that is going to be a Good Mod. Anyway,

Music for an Acid Rain Video - Opening Credits (Duration 1:00, filesize 1.37MB)

Music for an Acid Rain Video - Ending Credits (Duration 1:27, filesize 1.32MB)

Mix Album - Track One (zzzz) (Duration 1:03, filesize 1.45MB)

Mix Album - Track Two (Inoa) (Duration 2:45, filesize 3.79MB)

Mix Album - Track Three (Pechno) (Duration 4:45, filesize 6.54MB)

Thanks, Dinkle.
Just done another track. The ending (and other parts of it) are a bit rushed and naff, but I had to make a deadline - I worked on this track for roughly only a day.
Mix Album - Track 4
[Check the sig] I already have some material that I've recorded myself that needs recording in a more professional way (mobile phone dictator ftw!) and you'd have plenty of time to work on it.[/Check the sig]
Sorry dudes, I'm already working on a mod. ;(
I already have quite a busy time, so I don't want to let any one down. Maybe when I get a bit of a let-out (could be a few months yet though) I'll pick up another project.
Thanks for telling us, better for us to know.