I want to ctrl-z


Aug 30, 2004
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I know i sounds freaky, but, whenever i draw and its on paper, and i make a mistake, the first thing i do is try and puch CTRL-Z. (AND im drawing with a pencil !... soo do any of you know that effect of the CTR-Z) ?! !? :P
Dodo said:
I know i sounds freaky, but, whenever i draw and its on paper, and i make a mistake, the first thing i do is try and puch CTRL-Z. (AND im drawing with a pencil !... soo do any of you know that effect of the CTR-Z) ?! !?

I know lots of people have mentioned this before with regard to speaking, but for the sake of conforming to the masses:

...what? u've been spending too much time with ur computer.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Interestingly, your own post falls under that catagory purhaps more so than the orriginal post.

As does this. :)

Its all spam. Thats what these places are for.
Dalamari said:
Can someone CTRL+Z this thread please?

please remind me not to laugh. Oops, too late. haha

Its all spam. Thats what these places are for.

these "places" aren't just for spam. they're for getting helped and flamed :D

I think he gets the point about the ctrl-z thingy.
I love these posts. My favorite is the one with the guy walking, sees a billboard and cant see it clearly so he trys to right click while his hand is in his pocket.