I want to do a mod



Okay I am a newbie at this and I need to know what I must have to build a mod. Specifically programs I am asking for thank you for your time.

Well to start off you are going to want to learn C++, I would suggest Visual C++ .NET to learn. Then you'll want to get into 3D modeling, for that I would recommend 3D Max, or if you can offord it, lightwave 3D. Other than that you need the SDK or Software Development Kit. It contains the Compiler for the Source code, the HL2 Hammer Map Editor, and various other tools of which I have no idea what they are.
Oh this looks like hard work. I am just gonna buy some programs and help build a mod. After I do a couple of mods, I will do my own. Thanx for the help.
I'd suggest starting with free versions of programs first. Like SoftImage XSI EXP.. there's a version branded as a development tool specifically for HL2.
ComradeBadger said:
I'd suggest starting with free versions of programs first. Like SoftImage XSI EXP.. there's a version branded as a development tool specifically for HL2.

So I can start building mods of that? KOOL :E
Also, most coding programs are a lot cheaper than the high end modelling stuff.
The modelling stuff is like $2000-$4000 IIRC. You can get a good coding program like visual C++ standard for like $100.
This is all if you go the... legal means though. I'm a bit skeptical of how many 15 year olds there are with $3000 programs lol