I want to kill my bittorenting brother

Jun 24, 2004
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Hi all,

my brother has entered the stage of life when he thinks that the world revolves around him. Among many of the inconviniences that this philosophy brings is that he uses bittorrent, causing everybodies internet connection in the house to be horribly slow (it took me two minutes to load this page); he does not cap his upload or his download so besically he is a ****ing bandwidth hog.

He does not cooperate volunarily, but I have the router password to our house. Is there a way to stop him sucking up all the bandwidth with his torrenting?

Thanks guys.
Yeah, tried that, he went crying to my parents. I was hoping there was a way to cut of the bittorenting, without cutting him off from his precious MSN Messanger.
Open up whatever program he uses for torrents and cap his uploads and downloads to give the rest of you enough bandwidth to browse. Don't mention it and he probably wont even notice.
You can limit bittorrent speeds in the options menu.

Also there should be some sort of "Blocked Services" tab in your router. Just type in the port that bittorrent uses and you should be set.
AntiAnto said:
Block the port.
Dosent make a difference. The only port BT needs open is for listening, which can be changed anyway.

In order to "limit" his bandwidth, you'd need a newer router. Like the Linksys WRT54G. They have ways to limit bandwidth.

But a much easier way to solve this is to just limit his upload, download, and max connections on BT. Or just get him to only download stuff overnight when everyone is asleep.

He's your little borther? Put his ass in line.
If you block the port chances are he won't figure out how to fix it and think it's just broken. Try that route first.
Of course if both the client and router use UPnP then blocking the port won't really help. You should either cap his downloads serrupticiously on his client or get your mummy to tell him off.
Are you sure it is his bit torrenting that is slowing your connection down? A lot of times the capped speed on those won't affect the rest of the network and you will be just fine. It could be your internet is just slow now or the site you visited is under strain. My bro would often whine about how my computer was slowing his down...even though mine was shut off 50% of the time.
We have a cable modem, and we have a max u/l rate of 30KB/sec. So I cap my BT at 15 but I never cap the download rate and I could be downloading 4 things and it would still be fast. I can play games online too :sniper:

So just cap the UL rate.
Well, you still want to make sure you limit you maximum connections.
With a typical cable setup, your not going to want more than, say, 200 - 400 connections at once or you will get severely bogged down, even if your not maxing out your up/dl.
you can get bandwidth capping programs that run in the background of the computer
Revisedsoul said:
you can get bandwidth capping programs that run in the background of the computer
The only good ones are just Shareware though.
Hope ya have $30 for them... oh.. wait.. you have BitTorrent.
SubKamran said:
We have a cable modem, and we have a max u/l rate of 30KB/sec.
Wow, wouldn't that make getting things really freaking slow?
Limit the upload and download speed on the torrents to half the available bandwidth, and download a traffic shaper.

This gives data acknowledgement packets highest priority, which stops high upload speeds 'clogging' the connection and making the internet unresponsive.

It's good for gaming, too; with a bittorrent download running I can still get pings of <30 in CS:S.
Roland Deschain said:
Hi all,

my brother has entered the stage of life when he thinks that the world revolves around him. Among many of the inconviniences that this philosophy brings is that he uses bittorrent, causing everybodies internet connection in the house to be horribly slow (it took me two minutes to load this page); he does not cap his upload or his download so besically he is a ****ing bandwidth hog.

He does not cooperate volunarily, but I have the router password to our house. Is there a way to stop him sucking up all the bandwidth with his torrenting?

Thanks guys.
I had the exact problem with my housemate last year. He used to leave BitTorrent running no matter what time of day it was, no matterwhere he was.
My solution to this was, whenever he was out and downloading, unplug the f*cker from the router.
if he is younger than you...beat the crap out of him
and tell ur parents that hes downloading pron
There's also a program called Net Limiter, which cuts off connections after a certain dl/ul amount has been passed. Put like a 5 GB cap on his dl/ul per week (Hey, I go thru that in college, so NOT harsh).
longhorn88 said:
if he is younger than you...beat the crap out of him
and tell ur parents that hes downloading pron
One major rule you have to deal with if you have a sibling.

Don't tell on the sibling for something you do as well and the sibling knows you do. In other words don't get him into trouble for looking at porn or else he will probably say you do as well.
WhiteZero said:
Dosent make a difference. The only port BT needs open is for listening, which can be changed anyway.

In order to "limit" his bandwidth, you'd need a newer router. Like the Linksys WRT54G. They have ways to limit bandwidth.

But a much easier way to solve this is to just limit his upload, download, and max connections on BT. Or just get him to only download stuff overnight when everyone is asleep.

You have BT in Illinois?
You have BT in Illinois?

Either you were being facetious, or you just turned my frown upside-down:

D: -------> :D
Setup the XP Remote Connection and when you need bandwidth (play games), log in and shutdown his downloads.
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You have BT in Illinois?
No, we Americans have to spoof our IP addresses to a UK address in order to use BT.
jondy said:
Limit the upload and download speed on the torrents to half the available bandwidth, and download a traffic shaper.

This gives data acknowledgement packets highest priority, which stops high upload speeds 'clogging' the connection and making the internet unresponsive.

It's good for gaming, too; with a bittorrent download running I can still get pings of <30 in CS:S.
Wh... What?! When my Step-dad uses bittorrent (*Cough* Downloading Games... bastard agreed not to do that.) I can get 'bout 2000 ping in CS:S compared to my 60 Ping
Fliko said:
Wh... What?! When my Step-dad uses bittorrent (*Cough* Downloading Games... bastard agreed not to do that.) I can get 'bout 2000 ping in CS:S compared to my 60 Ping
He probably has the upload uncaped.

WhiteZero said:
He probably has the upload uncaped.

Yep... Capping it would mean the chopping off of my head, I'm sure some people would jump in joy. But I rather keep my head.

Just cap the speeds or pull his wire on the other end, and when he notices, plug it back in.
Dump the router, and buy a cheap lan-card. Then, route your bro's internet thru your computer, and you could slow he's connection. You computer must be always on, if you dont want your bro to notice that sometimes the internet wont work (when ur computer is shutted down)...
With the internet running on your machine, couldn't you leave your computer turned off during the nights when you go to bed and then when you wake up (Hopefully before he does) turn your computer back on so he'll never notice anything until he turns on his torrent?

Would be annoying for him :)
Fliko said:
Wh... What?! When my Step-dad uses bittorrent (*Cough* Downloading Games... bastard agreed not to do that.) I can get 'bout 2000 ping in CS:S compared to my 60 Ping

Yeah, get trafficshaping, even with a maxed out upload speed data acknowledgement packets recieve priority and get sent first, so you should get playable pings while he's BT'ing.
once your in it, you cant get out.

BitTorrent is like drugs, you look out your window and see an add on the shop saying "Quake IV, only 49 $" and then you look at your screen at the simple "DOWNLOAD" button...you look back out the window, you look back at your screen...your finger starts itching...the mouse is vibriting...you lower your finger, let it rest on the Left button...you start to swett...you think of the money in your pocket...you cant take it!!! all your muscles reacts and BOOOOOOM.....you click the download button...and...you have done it...with your money still in your pocket.

Well, this happend to me a long time ago, and everyday i download stuff, including my sister (but i have my own computer and she has her own)

My dad once came in and said that the internet is to slow and that i have to stop this, but the reason it was slow was because i was UPLOADING...not downloading (some sites you have a ratio, share to download, the rules ya know)

Well, trying to cut him off from Bittorent is like making a drug addict stop cracking...you gona break his heart.

But still, i understand you, follow your heart! Do what has to be done! Think of the MB flowing trough your Net cable...or through the air with wireless! Think off.....eyy...is it just me or has my literacy homework turned me into a shakesphere geek`?

Im outa here!