I want to know how to make my own HL2 models...



I want to know how to make my own HL2 models.
I want to be able to make a custom model in my 3ds or milkshape3d and get it in game in HL2 so ill need the exporters and the compileing programs that are used to make the model a HL2 model.
I'm thinking its like Halo cause i used to make halo maps and when you wanted a senery you made the model in 3dsmax then exported it in a .JMS format (exporter) and then opened a program called tool and built the models collision geometry and model and then you opened a new senery in gurrilla and put the model file that was buit, into the model section then the collision geo in the collisiongeo section then filled out some other stuff and then you had a senery.
What a stupid way of creating terrain.

With the Source engine, you simple open up Hammer, create a brush, select one face and click "Create Displacement".

Anyway, for model related stuff go here.
