I was walking today and got an idea for a game.


Apr 29, 2004
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I live in a small town surronded by mountains. Anyway, I had to walk home from the gym today and I was looking at the mountains. While looking, I thought to myself how crazy and awsome it would be if a fleet of space craft came flying over the rise. Anyway, heres my idea. You start it out as an rpg where you build a life and get a normal thing going. you get comfortable and expect nothing to happen. Then all of the sudden this fleet of ships attacks the small town and everything goes to hell. There would be a suprise factor that would be unimaginable. The key to this would be for the player to get comfortable with the surrondings. Maybe it could be a mmorpg.
you mean like Morrowind... you start the game for first hour of the game doing small tasks for people in your area, getting used to that. then spaceships appear and errr what then, you fight off an alien invasion?
abconners said:
I live in a small town surronded by mountains. Anyway, I had to walk home from the gym today and I was looking at the mountains. While looking, I thought to myself how crazy and awsome it would be if a fleet of space craft came flying over the rise. Anyway, heres my idea. You start it out as an rpg where you build a life and get a normal thing going. you get comfortable and expect nothing to happen. Then all of the sudden this fleet of ships attacks the small town and everything goes to hell. There would be a suprise factor that would be unimaginable. The key to this would be for the player to get comfortable with the surrondings. Maybe it could be a mmorpg.
well reading the post has spoilt the surprise for me now, i'd be knowing something was gonna happen. :p
oldagerocker said:
you mean like Morrowind... you start the game for first hour of the game doing small tasks for people in your area, getting used to that. then spaceships appear and errr what then, you fight off an alien invasion?
Or you could try to survive the alien invasion. Equally cool :thumbs:
Reminds me some how of From Dusk till Dawn,
when those vampires came out I was so suprised.
abconners said:
I live in a small town surronded by mountains. Anyway, I had to walk home from the gym today and I was looking at the mountains. While looking, I thought to myself how crazy and awsome it would be if a fleet of space craft came flying over the rise. Anyway, heres my idea. You start it out as an rpg where you build a life and get a normal thing going. you get comfortable and expect nothing to happen. Then all of the sudden this fleet of ships attacks the small town and everything goes to hell. There would be a suprise factor that would be unimaginable. The key to this would be for the player to get comfortable with the surrondings. Maybe it could be a mmorpg.

How would you market it? You can't ruin the suprise, so you'll have to tell everyone that it's exactly like Sims, but then it turns out that it's actually a combat oriented RPG.
LAYP said:
Reminds me some how of From Dusk till Dawn,
when those vampires came out I was so suprised.
Yeah same here, i was like wtf is going on here.
I like this idea -- if you market it enough like the Sims or something, like an MMORPG; the suprise would be awesome. :D

Or do something like Silent Hill, were things start to wonko. :D
How about this...
-----The Epic: The Sixth Planet
Technology barley progressed since the late 2004. In fact most scientists were all working to one goal. The were all working on space travel. Eventually, a breakthrough came, in fact more than a breakthrough. Scientists for the first time, had mapped out the universe in such a way that they figured out a technological way to transport ones self to another planet, far far away.
The first planet we checked on was Mars. Hoping to find something, life or possibly the support for life. In the end, all dreams had faded of Mars. We checked more planets, many out of our solar system. For the second planet the USA developed a special group know as “SPI”. Special Planet Infantry, they would go to other planets specially trained to check the world for inhabitants or anything. Usually around 5 were sent, with a few jeeps with scanners built in, to track down any life.
The sixth planet, seemed special. Full of jungle, and seemed to have the greatest possibility for life. Jones Stage, Dave Smith, Randon Systerous, Tom Chackson, and Brian Lemons were sent to investigate the planet. Each were gave 1 M8X29(Similar to the M4A1), a Denis Auto-Pistol (Low Recoil, Automatic Pistol), 2 frag grenades, and 1 smoke grenade. They were also supplied with food, and water. They were to scan the area for 2 weeks, and obviously hope to find something.
“Well, looks like were finally here, I must admit this place seems pretty nice, with its calm jungles and everything” Dave Smith said as he smiled in a calm voice.
“Quit your god damn nature viewing Smith, we got work to do! Ok, set up the tents in that clearing by the grass over there. I’ll do a little scoutin” Jones Stage shouted at the rest of the troops.
Jones walked off into the jungle, making sure nothing was around. He saw no animals, no nothing. Just the restless trees moving even with the slightest breeze. Dave set up his tent and Jones (he was off in the jungle still), Tom, Randon, and Brian each set up there own. Eventually Jones came back, though seen nothing nor heard anything but the trees moving in the slight breeze on the hot day.
Randon spoke up as they all sat around the fire, “We should get going, and search for something. Gonna be night soon.”
“Randon is right, lets head out. To bad they didn’t supply us with a damn jeep.. Oh well this is a small planet.” Tom somewhat whined out.
They all got up, and starting walking into the trees. Each taking out there knives and cutting any branch that gets in there way. Nearly 30 minutes of searching they started hearing something. Not the wind, but something that seemed human. They moved the last trees small tree branches with there hands and were shocked at what they saw.
The figured loomed into the air, seemed to go up forever and forever. The people, just like them, all hard at work and making a living. The towers were huge stretching into the clouds. It was like humans but yet in a medieval style age.
“My dear god, those are…huge ass towers..” Brian mumbled as he stared at the huge kingdom.
Tom replied, “I’m just amazed we found something… especially a race which resembles us to the damn toenails.
“Lets get back to the camp, radio in what we saw and wait for further instructions.” Jones said in his deep voice, as he turned around and started walking.
Everyone followed Jones, especially since he seemed like the leader even though there was no true leader.
“Since it will obviously take a while for these sound waves to get through, I doubt you will hear this, but we found a race. Nearly exactly like us but still in that ol medieval age style crap. There technology is thousands of years away from ours so no worries to be alarmed.” Jones said into the speaker.
“Well looks like we gotta wait a while.” Tom said to everyone.

Thirteen Days Later

Out of the Com System a voice shouted, “Glad to hear from ya, some commanders will be coming soon. Though this medieval race is to be EXECUTED IMMEDIATELY!. When you come back, no one hears about what you have done over there you got that! The commanders will brief you when they get there. Until then stay there and don‘t do anything! The commanders are expected to arrive in 3 days.”
Tom, “What the, they want use to kill a unthreatening race plus they have to send commanders to brief us? What the hell…”
“Shut the hell up Tom, we got brief and we do as where tolled. Now, we will stay here and drink some more beef and stay on our lazy asses till those commanders arrive.” Jones shouted directly at Tom.
“There no need to get up….” Brian tried to say.
“Just shut up Brian, no one car…” Jones mumbled.
Randon replied to all of them, “Just stop fighting everyone, lets just sit here and rink beer! The funnest thing in the world… ahh..”
Dave looked at everyone in a blank stare, and then looked up at the stores and wandered off into sleep. The rest soon feel asleep, with the quest on there minds about why we had to kill this…race that scientists would be in heaven to find.

Unforeseen Consequences

We didn’t know what we were doing. It’s all our fault, the whole downfall of the human race. We just had to kill them.. We had to kill all of them. They just had to start killing them all, then they came. Those… beasts. They slaughtered nearly all of us. They found us, we couldn’t hide. Our whole military came… Nothing could stop them. It’s all our fault… we just had to report it in.. Our fault…and nothing more.. Now, we will all eventually die, theres nothing more to it. We can’t escape them.. Then again, the war has just begun…
In the end a very advanced technological race was steering the current races evolution. Eventually as you attack, you start seeing there ships come down and a huge war wages out. Eventually near the end you find out that you were once a creation of them. You were a failed creations, due to war.
I have not written past that point, that was oringall an idea for an RPG on a place called blizzforums(starcraft rpg).

I have recently altered the story a tiny bit but overall makes no diffrence in the long run. I never edited the story on my comp though.
No one likes my crappy story :(
*Runs off crying*
I wrong that in an hour....I get bored.... Very bored..
Though I don't think it's that bad of a concept.
It's oringal..i think anyway..
Wowa I wrote something decent!
*Craps his pants*