I will make your mod a model.


Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Thats right, I'll model one weapon model for your mod in exchange for you to skin one of my weapon models for my mod. Any takers? I know my way around 3d max :p

www.wotamod.com if you want to see what I'm (we're) capable of (which is a lot, except skinning :p)
thats not a bad idea, infact thats like the smartest thing ive heard, haha, i may just have to do the same in the future when we're back in action
what the crap happened to the edit button!? btw i like your models, you gonna use them all in the mod?
another thing, your forums dont work

nice way to triple post dt13
Yeah I know they don't work, I really don't know how to do this MySQL database shit with Plesk (worst hosting panel thing in existance) my old server had Cpanel, it was a lot easier to set up forums with it... and yea we're using those models on the site in the game, most of them at least. We've alredy got the Walther MPL in-game, and we're working on the Galil, but they look pretty stupid without skins :p

Offer remains, I'll model you a weapon in exchange for someone to skin one of my weapons.