I won a car!

Russian Mafia

Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
There was a raffle in my autoshop class at school, only three people signed up for the raffle, so the odds were good. The catch is, to get the pink slip, I have to do I little work on the car, this includes:
-Cleaning the engine
-Cleaning the interior
-Washing the car
-Painting the back bumper.
-Doing safety checks.
After all that, the car will be all mine. :bounce:


P.S. Its a 1979 Plymouth Arrow Sport, it was built by Mitsubishi.
Wow, you had better install extra hefty windshield wipers to beat off all of the ladies you viciously run down.
Now THAT is what I call a pimp-mobile *whips out some bling*
You won that? In the UK, We have to pay people to take things like that off us. This has given me a great idea.

Oh, erm... congratulations though! :cheers:
I know there is a soviet-russia joke to go along with what you said, pobz, but I can't think of how to word it... dammit.
ask to trade it in for what looks like a Caprice Classic in the corner over there..

those are some bad ass cars man
ask to trade it in for what looks like a Caprice Classic in the corner over there..

those are some bad ass cars man

The car in the back belongs to another student, the one I got was donated.
Now that's an ugly car...

Get rid of that paint job, fast... and get better rims, those look like shit.
Well, you are better of with that than I am with my sweet ride. I just paid +$4100 to get it out of the shop it was in for the last 33 days, only to have the front diff go after 22 miles.

I miss my car. ):
I would say paint it all black (including the rims) and get some pink fuzzy dice for the rear-view. Great to have transpo, congrats.
Plymouth was introduced by Chrysler many years ago yes, but no longer exists as a company. So yeah, was.

Erm, Japanese engines are often imported into American frames, and in cases like the 2nd gen DSMs Eagle Talon and Plymouth Laser, Japanese cars are sold by American brands. Dodge Stealth is another example.