I Won A Kerrang Radio Competition...


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
...to go and see Bon-F**king-Jovi tomorrow night at the O2 Arena in Birmingham, VIP. Im possibly going to meet the man himself and the band backstage!

Now Bon Jovi isnt exactly someone to get excited over I guess, but Ive never won ANYTHING in my life!

All I had to do was guess the name of the band and the song after a 2 second play of the song's intro (it was The Middle by Jimmy Eat World), and I only entered for a laugh as my phone was within arms reach and I instantly recognised the song.

But like an idiot I failed to put my name at the end of the text, so when they said that the 7 winners were all girls about an hour later, I just shrugged it off.

I got a call this morning from Matt at the station, off air, to say that one of the girls couldn't make it, so I was selected at random from the rest of the texts as I got it right.

I couldnt even remember what the competition was for as it was on monday night (i think) that the competition was conducted, so when he said it was a VIP ticket to see Bon Jovi I went ape-shit after I put the phone down.

Oh hell yes!
I once recognised the intro to a song in one of those competitions from a single snare hit. I couldn't get through. No one got it right and the prize went un-won. :(

Anyway, grats!~
Congrats dude!

Now, know that the band probably expects sexual favors.
^ Dude that really sucks (to Bad^Hat)

I tried to win radio tickets once and failed miserably. Nowadays I don't even listen to the radio anymore, but I've won a couple of email-list concert tickets because the concert production company here is really awesome. They arrange like 95% of the good shows and have weekly ticket drawings. Nothing special like meeting the band (if you really wanted to meet them, anyone could literally just hang out in front of the venue and say hi while they pack up their stuff in front), but it's nice to be able to divert ticket money to merch or a cab ride home :).

Also, that's pretty hilarious that you didn't even know what you were winning.
I remember my friend won 3 tix to see the Star Wars Ep.3 screener before the official first showing. Pretty rockin it was.