I won the Nine Inch Nail competition


Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
and got 1 of 2000 limited edition box!

well atleast the packaging was free


Well its black and has the new NIN logo on, its pretty cool. Its the right size to put all the vinil editions of the singles in, lol, though i dont actually know where u can buy them from.

Anyone else get one?
NiN has gone completely pop, I was watching CD:UK (hey I just happend to flick it on OK!) which in the U.K. is like the day time teeny bopper show for popular music and on comes Nine Inch Nails, I was like wtf?
mortiz said:
NiN has gone completely pop, I was watching CD:UK (hey I just happend to flick it on OK!) which in the U.K. is like the day time teeny bopper show for popular music and on comes Nine Inch Nails, I was like wtf?


I saw that, apparently during rehearsals the band had no idea why they were there either. :) Blame the manager if you must blame someone, I'm just glad they're getting good exposure like that.
Well atleast there being shown to a wider audience and hopefully finding more fans, wats to complain about?
Haha, I doubt CD:UK could show Closer, so at least you've got that Mortiz ;)