IBM and Firefox


Aug 22, 2003
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Nice for FF.
Firefox, now the second most popular browser and by far the biggest threat to Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) Latest News about Microsoft IE to materialize since the demise of Netscape, has seen better uptake among consumer users than businesses, who analysts say are often more reluctant to jump quickly to alternatives.

However, the Big Blue win changes that overnight. IBM said it had formally endorsed the use of the Mozilla Foundation's Latest News about Mozilla Foundation browser, which had already found its way onto the desktops of some 10 percent of IBM's 300,000-strong user base.
um, how does it plan to do that? FF is open source, you can't get any more flexible and secure than everybody and their cousin working to keep FF secure 24-7. Besides, IE has a major stigma now.
FF has a lot of annoying bugs that generally don't make me too frustrated. To be honest, I'd switch back to IE6 in a second if not for the security issues and inability to multitab.
Firefox is so much better than IE in every aspect of the average webbrowser. I mean fair enough they have had some security issues of late, but at least they get them patched pretty quickly, unlike M$ who take an age to release the patch. Since I have been using FF over IE, which has been about a year, I have dramatically reduced the amount of spyware and adaware on my pc and pop-ups very rarely bother me. I don't know what M$ plan on doing with IE v7 but its gonna have to be pretty good inorder to beat firefox.