Icarus' Blog

Should there be an Icarus Blog?

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Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Seeing as I get alot of people wondering how my day went and what I did, as well as the constant curiosity you guys have for everything that I do, I want to know if you guys would be interested in an "Icarus Blog". Where I would fill you in on the dealings I had that day, my talks with Valve, talking with computer gaming magazines, a bit of my personal life, what it's like to moderate a forum, and maybe some insight to my mood that day.

So cast your vote

And don't forget to reply and say why you picked what you did
what happened to the other thread?
edit: oh ok,
yeah I'm for it, tell us about how you manage the public relations, what you talk about with valve, (can we get gabe's phone#?)
I voted yes, I dig the idea alot and I think other staff peeps should do the same thing.

I'm working with one of my own atm to try and convey the magical wonder that is my daily life to other people.
yes indeed, wouldn't hurt and it would be good to know whats going on :)
Do people really oogle over you that much?

You should go with LiveJournal, heh, but I wouldn't mind an Icarus blog here :)
Yes yes yes.

For all the reasons you listed.
Yeah, and you could say cool stuff like, say, what PCGamer gave Half-Life 2!

<stewie voice>Oh yeah, that's right. I went there.</stewie voice>
Yeah go for the blog, i'd be interested and if its on hl2.net it adds some personal depth to the site runnings and people behind it, if that makes sense. :thumbs:
Come on guys, 27 votes and 10 replies, reply when you vote(and reply if you already voted)
i think blogs are repetitive, purposeless, and uninteresting to read. they are all basically the same thing, unless they serve a purpose (some type of news coverage, an event minus the obnoxious reporters, etc). i doubt reading about a hl2 fansite moderator will make it much more interesting. since it makes no difference (if you want to do it you should just do it) i would honestly say i dont care how anyone is feeling, what music they are listening to, unless they are a friend of mine, and even then i probably dont care. the dealings between you and valve or whatever are swell, but why dont you just make a post about them? why create a totally seperate site? why the hell am i bothering to write a reply this long?
gh0st said:
i think blogs are repetitive, purposeless, and uninteresting to read. they are all basically the same thing, unless they serve a purpose (some type of news coverage, an event minus the obnoxious reporters, etc). i doubt reading about a hl2 fansite moderator will make it much more interesting. since it makes no difference (if you want to do it you should just do it) i would honestly say i dont care how anyone is feeling, what music they are listening to, unless they are a friend of mine, and even then i probably dont care. the dealings between you and valve or whatever are swell, but why dont you just make a post about them? why create a totally seperate site? why the hell am i bothering to write a reply this long?

Then don't read it
I'm not opposed to it. It could providesome insight as to what you actually do here (other than closing threads ;) ).

And besides, the Dark Elf has a thread about his work in the Art Forum. You should have one too.
I just think it would be a helluva lot of fun, and I want to see you write somewhere where you can say. :p
I'd love to see your 'work' side.. I only talk to you about non-work personal stuff..
Icarus said:
Then don't read it

You're the one that asked for him to explain his opinions and reasons.

As for myself, I wouldn't read it so I don't really care. My reasons are just that I'm not interested in it and I generally don't enjoy reading someone's blog very much, unless it were something like the blog of an astronaut, a deep sea diver, or the president or someone like that.

But if you want to make one and other people are interested then go for it, by all means.
Icarus you did ask for input.. that was kind of rude.
I'd really enjoy it, personally. It'd definitely be something I'd look forward to visiting every day and whatnot. And It'd be great to hear about everything that's going on.
I'm curious to hear the opinions of the moderators. Blogs are also a good way to relieve stress. Works for me, I can say that much.
Sure why not, I am always curious what people are like in reality here. It makes everything seem much more personal.
The Mullinator said:
Sure why not, I am always curious what people are like in reality here. It makes everything seem much more personal.

I definitely agree.
No, I don't think I would read it unless you happened to be an incredibly talented and creative writer.

I think a good compromise is for you to post in some threads. Even though you are a Super Moderator, you should become a member of this community as well. That means you should post in some threads so we can understand you a little bit better. I think that will be far more effective and interesting than any blog could ever be.
I think you're an ass and could care less what you do with yourself...what an ego you have!
I don't really mind your Personal Life, But I'm more interested in Public Relations and stuff, maybe I could lean a trick or two ?
Planning to be banned ?
Think twice before offending a mod, especially if think he is what you accuse him of. :rolleyes:

As for me, yes, I'd like to see a moderators blog, it's be an interesting change ... :)
Sure, I'd read your blog.

I can picture it now...

"Banned 48 people today, deleted 36034 threads, and still had time for tea"

"Purchased new Iron fist, will try it out later tonight!!"
nw909 said:
Sure, I'd read your blog.

I can picture it now...

"Banned 48 people today, deleted 36034 threads, and still had time for tea"

lucky *****, you got quoted. :devil:
What would you be able to write in it? You're under too many NDAs. "I found out something amazing today but I can't say what it is".

But yeah, some blogs are good. I got myself into a habit of reading some last year and I enjoyed it. I've voted yes.
The Mullinator said:
Sure why not, I am always curious what people are like in reality here. It makes everything seem much more personal.

same here. And ofcourse I'm dying for any kind of (background) info on the game and the company behind it.
Heh nice blog crazy. I say yes to this idea, I mean what do you have to lose apart from your time?
Fat Tony! said:
Heh nice blog crazy. I say yes to this idea, I mean what do you have to lose apart from your time?

His reputation. He then shows his human side (sort of) of that mean harsh iron supermod. That will make him look weak, people stop fearing him, and his empire will be CRUSHED!

Or yeah, he could just lose time of course...