Icarus is way over the top with the lock button.

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Aug 26, 2004
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How do you expect the community to feel comfortable talking here if 19 threads on the first 2 pages...

Kinda harsh for a loyal community to treated that way.
He's doing his job, those threads were for the most part useless or flamebait.
he could always delete and cover it up, couldn't he? >:]
I'm just saying it doesn't show a very good face to guests. It would have been better to just delete them.
Automatic Kafka said:
I'm just saying it doesn't show a very good face to guests. It would have been better to just delete them.
Most of them are deleted now anyway... but our usual procedure is to close first, then later delete. It prevents people from making another thread asking where their first one went.
Abom said:
Most of them are deleted now anyway... but our usual procedure is to close first, then later delete. It prevents people from making another thread asking where their first one went.
thats not what you do with my threads :|
CyberSh33p said:
thats not what you do with my threads :|
Well, not everyone works the same. But we mostly mass-delete when there's alot of closed threads around and the clutter-factor starts piling up.
Besides, your post refrenced two BINKS that are clearly on the front page of the site, and if you would have used search, you would have turned up the news post about it. You also did a plain link to PlanetHalfLife.com that was not directly to the Binks. Advertising will not be tolerated.
Abom said:
Well, not everyone works the same. But we mostly mass-delete when there's alot of closed threads around and the clutter-factor starts piling up.
Yeh... clutter indeed, its like half locked half not. Only symbolizes hard work :p
And Automatic Kafka, next time you have a problem with one of your posts being deleted, PM a moderator. Do not start another thread such as this just because you are unhappy with a decision, it adds to the clutter.
Icarus said:
Besides, your post refrenced two BINKS that are clearly on the front page of the site, and if you would have used search, you would have turned up the news post about it. You also did a plain link to PlanetHalfLife.com that was not directly to the Binks. Advertising will not be tolerated.

Yeah because I'm advertising PHL right? :rolleyes:

I plain linked because they're on PHL's first page.
Ok well thats pretty much cleared up now, everyone explained themselves and I think its agreed Icarus is simply doing his job and that the OP should have made an effort to search first, in this case it wouldn't have required much searching.

Also Icarus is right, if you have a problem, PM a moderator about it, if possible the one who locked/deleted a thread if you know who it was and further reasons will be given.

So on that note *locked* :p
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