Icarusintel's "Are you f*cking kidding me" TOTD - Al Gore gets Nobel Prize

Fucking Norwegians.

They always give the price to what's popular at the moment.
Not unexpected, maybe not the one that deserved it the most but definatly not a wrong choice.
...and yet somehow the majority of americans voted for this guy instead;


what the **** were you people thinking?
Number of Nobel Prizes won by Al Gore: 1
Number of people Bush's policies have killed which would preclude him from ever winning a nobel prize: 600,000+

no seriously: Gore is obviously fairly smart, he's competant and wins a Nobel Prize and joins the likes of such greats as Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Lester B Pearson (canadian, founder of peacekeeping UN missions) etc ...Bush would probably have to pass a competency test in order to tie his own shoe ..sorry but the majority of you voted for stupid
Number of Nobel Prizes won by Al Gore: 1
Number of people Bush's policies have killed which would preclude him from ever winning a nobel prize: 600,000+

no seriously: Gore is obviously fairly smart, he's competant and wins a Nobel Prize and joins the likes of such greats as Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Lester B Pearson (canadian, founder of peacekeeping UN missions) etc ...Bush would probably have to pass a competency test in order to tie his own shoe ..sorry but the majority of you voted for stupid
I was responding to your tactic of always posting pictures of Bush showing him being a moron. I figured a bit of tit for tat was in order.

And seriously, if I can win a Nobel Peace Prize for being a complete hypocrite, then that's awesome.

Al Gore is nowhere near as great as any of the people you listed. He's a figurehead for an agenda.
He's a hypocrite? Why, because he uses electricity? Maybe you could give me some specifics.

Gore's main mission is to get governments involved in curbing global warming, he is not telling you how you should be living your life, he is trying to educate you on what is happening to the earth because of the way we all live, including himself. Seriously dude, stop being a sheep. You must read way too much right wing bullshit especially in the case of global warming.
I was responding to your tactic of always posting pictures of Bush showing him being a moron. I figured a bit of tit for tat was in order.

? Gore looked evil in that photo not stupid ..and I cant help it if Bush looks stupid in pretty much every photo he's in ..you cant hide stupid

And seriously, if I can win a Nobel Peace Prize for being a complete hypocrite, then that's awesome.

you mean the fact that he lives in a less energy efficient house than bush thingy :upstare: who ****ing cares ..he's done far more to bring it into public consciousness than 1000's of egg headed scientists put together

Al Gore is nowhere near as great as any of the people you listed. He's a figurehead for an agenda.

who cares? he's still a better choice than Bush was ..in fact I'm convinced an inanimate object like a sock puppet or a vase full of flowers could do a more competant job than Bush
LOL curb global warming. Its not anything you or any government can do to "curb" global warming. Its a natural event that has happened before and will happen again, regardless of whatever you do. Natural cycle of the Sun.
LOL curb global warming. Its not anything you or any government can do to "curb" global warming. Its a natural event that has happened before and will happen again, regardless of whatever you do. Natural cycle of the Sun.

I'm glad you, a poster on hl2.net, knows more than the world's scientists. Who needs phds when you have the internets.
You really believe everything on CNN don't you

I absolutely don't, you seem to though. Anyway, got any scientific research that wasn't sponsored by the oil lobby to back up your claim?
I did not see you post any scientific data from any scientific research on the subject
I have nothing against Gore, it's just that the Peace Prize always go to who's popular at the moment. They gave the prize to Yasser Arafat and some other guys in 1994 for creating a peace that only lasted a couple of month.
Even if global warming is BS, he has still done an unprecedented amount of work trying to educate people. Worst case, he is responsible for an influx in hybrid cars, no victim.

I hate when people try and discredit him because "Oh NOEEEessss, he flew in a jet that like burns a lot of gas!!!"
I did not see you post any scientific data from any scientific research on the subject
Burden of proof.

It's overwhelmingly supported by most climatologists. It shocks me that anyone without having ever studied climatology seriously could say all these scientists are wrong, it's shockingly ignorant.
Burden of proof.

It's overwhelmingly supported by most climatologists. It shocks me that anyone without having ever studied climatology seriously could say all these scientists are wrong, it's shockingly ignorant.

I've actually heard more than half of the researchers do not support it. Means nothing though since every week theres a change of opinion. Lots of armchair activists out there
researchers are often hired by corporations to spin research in their favour ...remember that Phillip Morris researcher who said Tobacco wasnt addictive?
I've actually heard more than half of the researchers do not support it. Means nothing though since every week theres a change of opinion. Lots of armchair activists out there

If that's true I won't post for a month.

If that's true I won't post for a month.

hahah, like i said, its what i heard, and I cant recall from where.

Ill try and find the source, not that I wouldnt want you to post for a month or anything...

*posts anti-socialism propaganda for an entire month*

I'm just so sure that what you said is incorrect I'm willing to bet that on it.
Ya, like I said, cant tell what is right. Would you happen to have a source though?
I've actually heard more than half of the researchers do not support it. Means nothing though since every week theres a change of opinion. Lots of armchair activists out there

It's really not the case. The impression of man-made global warming being contentious is a myth that's been spun by corporations that have it in their best interests to convince people it doesn't exist. "Teach the controversy" is just as bogus here as it is with the ID vs. Evolution debate. Most scientists and researchers that deny it are paid to do so, and their erroneous claims are simply given a louder voice to create the illusion of a divided scientific community.

The machine trying to spin global warming has had a changing agenda, each new claim being made after the previous one is discredited. First they tried to say global warming didn't exist at all. Then they tried to say it exists, but would never have a serious impact. Now they're doubling back and saying that there are serious global warming concerns, but it's not proven that humanity contributes considerably to it.
Ya, like I said, cant tell what is right. Would you happen to have a source though?

It was discussed a couple months back, dont remember who started the thread. I can go back and search for it later. But basically he nit picked each study that was published, avoided the conclusions of those studies, and then said there was disagreement. :rolling:

I'll trust what the scientific community says over what I read on a blog, just my opinion.
Here's an interesting site I found

Now, I'm still reading through the main presentation, but there are certainly some good points brought up.

Also, there's a list of people who have signed -

Listed here (on the left) are the approximately 19,000 signers of this petition. Qulaification to be a signatory requires that the individual have a university degree in physical science, either BS, MS, or PhD. Those with MS or PhD degrees are so designated. Those with BS degrees are undesignated or sometimes designated as MD if appropriate.
The costs of this petition project have been paid entirely by private donations. No industrial funding or money from sources within the coal, oil, natural gas or related industries has been utilized. The petition's organizers, who include some faculty members and staff of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, do not otherwise receive funds from such sources. The Institute itself has no such funding. Also, no funds of tax-exempt organizations have been used for this project.

The signatures and the text of the petition stand alone and speak for themselves. These scientists have signed this specific document. They are not associated with any particular organization. Their signatures represent a strong statement about this important issue by many of the best scientific minds in the United States.

This project is titled "Petition Project" and uses a mailing address of its own because the organizers desired an independent, individual opinion from each scientist based on the scientific issues involved - without any implied endorsements of individuals, groups, or institutions.

In a listing of this size, some apparently duplicate names and some names identical to real or fictional people who are not scientists or signatories occur by chance. This listing has been very carefully verified. It contains one and only one entry for each scientist and contains no entries for individuals who are not trained in science or who did not sign the petition.

Anyone who wants to tear this apart, feel free, since I know you will anyway. Still, wholesale silence of dissent, as Al Gore has suggested, is ridiculous. It's worth at least reading.
that sounds like what the creationists did during their court battle with evolutionists specifically around teaching creationism in school ...they padded their witness list with professors, teachers, doctors, scientists etc ..the only thing was that none them were qualified to make a judgement on evolution or biology; their fields of expertise were unrelated calling into question their roles as "expert witnesses"

this sounds similiar
Here's an interesting site I found

Now, I'm still reading through the main presentation, but there are certainly some good points brought up.

Also, there's a list of people who have signed -

Anyone who wants to tear this apart, feel free, since I know you will anyway. Still, wholesale silence of dissent, as Al Gore has suggested, is ridiculous. It's worth at least reading.
Only climatologists are in a position to disagree with global warming.
Only climatologists are in a position to disagree with global warming.

And even then they need to have research to back it up. Signing your name on a sheet of paper is not research.


Icarusintel why are you doing this? What is the point? Why can't you just accept what numerous scientific studies have told you? Why are you so scared of cutting pollution? I do not understand people like you, it makes absolutely no sense to me.
It's that guy, you know, that former Vice President. It's not Manbearpig, it's him, Al Gore. Monkey said it: They give it to anyone who's popular or just known. Arafat got one too.
And as deplorable as his past actions were, he got that half award for making peace with Egypt. Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, all non-deserving. But the purpose really isn't about peace anymore, at least looking at some of the recent people who've recieved it. They're also giving Al Gore's son one by the way.
Icarusintel why are you doing this? What is the point? Why can't you just accept what numerous scientific studies have told you? Why are you so scared of cutting pollution? I do not understand people like you, it makes absolutely no sense to me.
I'm quite sure I've never once claimed to be against cutting pollution. Mankind has not taken very good care of the earth. I'm all for alternative energy, given that it works and is actually helpful. I am against forcing energy alternatives on third world nations at the expense of their economic growth. But, the major nations have no reason not to invest in alternative fuel sources, if only for the fact that sooner or later we will exhaust a large amount of the carbon-based fuels we are using today. Harnessing natural energies, like the sun, would be a wonderful boon to mankind and our growth throughout the years. I believe we should be smart about our options, though, and not simply cut emissions, as proposed by Kyoto, in order to try to stem climate change if it will severly cripple the economy. Money should be invested in alternative energy, as well as working to clean up the messes we have made. Expensive alternatives should not be impressed upon those who have no means to afford or operate them, though.

On climate change, I find it preposterous that we have people who claim to understand enough about the earth's systems that they can make such broad generalizations about what the climate will do. There are far too many systems and feedback mechanisms for even a large group of people to understand, let alone a small group of people who are studying very specialized areas.

Basically, alternative energy is good. Mankind has screwed up a lot of things, but global warming is a natural trend. Our augmentation of it is debatable, I think.

Admittedly, I'm not a scientist. I never excelled in Chemistry, Biology, or Physics. But, this whole climate change thing seems to have reached a level of near hysteria that I can only see as being harmful in the future. It feels like a fad the way it's being presented. People need something to be afraid of. Without the threat of nuclear annihilation, global warming seems like a wonderful thing to take its place.

Here's a guy that seems like he may know a bit about the situation. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong. By the time we have a chance to find out, most of this will be forgotten or buried. His reference to the global cooling scare brings up a good point. I don't really see that mentioned anywhere.

I have to leave for an appointment, but I'll try to add to this later this weekend, when I have an opportunity.