Ice Pick murder game


Feb 3, 2005
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Some great video cards are getting extremely cheap and I've got a small fortune saved up, so I was thinking about getting one, but I don't have anything I actually want to play.

I need a game where I can sneak up on someone and puncture them repeatedly with an Ice Pick.

Does such a game exist? Perhaps something from the Hit Man series?
Go fulfill your sick fetishes else were perv.

Hitman seems like the only viable candidate, but I dont remember any specific ice pick kills.
I know it isn't stealth, but counter kills with either the hidden blade or the short blade in Assassin's Creed yield pretty gruesome results. Probably the closest thing I know of in any game to an ice pick kill.
It's no problem, I'm not going to hurt anyone. I guess I wrote it in a way that would be creepy on purpose. :devil:

I saw a show about the damage that an ice pick does to the human body - which was incredible, and I just want to experience being a cold blooded assassin for a few harmless hours.

I recall Hit Man being really really good, but I'm not familiar with the latest one. There is a new one coming out soon that I have high hopes for.

But I knew there were a bunch of people that played Hit Man here so I thought I'd ask.
You know, you aren't really helping your cause of not sounding like a creepy ****er. ^

But seriously, this is really niche craving, just play some SoFII and rub one out or something. DON'T KILL NOBODY MAN. At least your honest about your gore porn cravings. Everyone gets a little bloodlust every once in a while.
Oh, you want creepy? I got your creepy right here; blood is a great lubricant.

Surely there's an indie game about killing Trotsky...

Anyway, Hitman: Blood Money is clearly the game for you. Of all the Hitman games it's the best and the one that's come closest to making the player feel like a competent, deadly assassin. You can hack people up, dispatch them in horrible and amusing ways, and litter your trail with bodies. But the real and malicious satisfaction is in silently and calmly slipping in and out of a level's areas, killing only your targets, and doing it so well that it looks like an accident. Buy it.
Isn't VirusType2 the same guy who talked about killing kittens or something last year?
I'd say Manhunt. It's a sick game and I think you can stab people with glass shards there, which might be a satisfactory alternative for you, sir.
HL2 was supposed to have an ice pick. :(

Ice pick is one of the deadliest weapons known to man. A friend and I were discussing this yesterday, actually.
Penumbra Overture?

Sure the combat is shit, but the ice pick is there.

Or just play Black Plague, it's way more awesome.