Kaoru Nagisa
Und...Ich bin nicht ein Berliner! Or even any sort of German.
Yes, it's true, I was in German, even Berlin, for a time, and I realized I had the opportunity to buy a game I've been wanting for upwards of several years - and my friends in Germany assured me that, once I reached the U.S; I'd have the option to install it in English. (They said that about a lot of games. I really should've questioned their experience!)
Suffice to say, I found out the hard way that most German computer games do not come with an "Install in English" option. (Some, but not many.) Thusly, I am faced with a conundrum:
I have a few years of German. I can get by conversationally, and it would be impossible for me to get lost in Germany if there were people around to ask for directions. I can handle airport terminals, newspapers, and even the German internet - but when Half-Life 2's intro started up, I caught perhaps one word. Not one word in five, ten, or twenty, one word. I'm out of my league, here.
So, I come to you! A pitiful sycophant seeking information. Namely: Is there any way in Heaven or Hell for me to patch my Half-Life 2 into English? Or, uh, translate it? Replace the German voices and text with English?
Or am I screwed entirely? Just curious. Thanks!
Sincerely, Kaoru
Yes, it's true, I was in German, even Berlin, for a time, and I realized I had the opportunity to buy a game I've been wanting for upwards of several years - and my friends in Germany assured me that, once I reached the U.S; I'd have the option to install it in English. (They said that about a lot of games. I really should've questioned their experience!)
Suffice to say, I found out the hard way that most German computer games do not come with an "Install in English" option. (Some, but not many.) Thusly, I am faced with a conundrum:
I have a few years of German. I can get by conversationally, and it would be impossible for me to get lost in Germany if there were people around to ask for directions. I can handle airport terminals, newspapers, and even the German internet - but when Half-Life 2's intro started up, I caught perhaps one word. Not one word in five, ten, or twenty, one word. I'm out of my league, here.
So, I come to you! A pitiful sycophant seeking information. Namely: Is there any way in Heaven or Hell for me to patch my Half-Life 2 into English? Or, uh, translate it? Replace the German voices and text with English?
Or am I screwed entirely? Just curious. Thanks!
Sincerely, Kaoru