i'd piss my pants!

Site being very slow to load or something. Hasn't loaded for me yet.

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EDIT: Finally loaded. Kind of unspectacular, but yeah... Scary. It's as if you were being bombarded by artillery and one fell into the dirt next to you, but didn't explode.
why would you be scared of that? wouldnt it only explode on impact?
why would you be scared of that? wouldnt it only explode on impact?

Who knows. A lot of missiles like that are set to detonate before hitting the ground, much in the same way nuclear bombs can be more devastating when destroyed above the surface of the ground.
lol where would you run to? if it blew up, im sure everyone on and around the ship would be destroyed

Nah. It wouldn't obliterate everything quite likely. Everyone within the blast radius would be killed or severely injured though. :dork:
Damn thats a big ass missile for such a small launcher...
I'd piss your pants too, jverne.

That was pretty funny.
I'd have already ran and did a nice dive into the ocean.
Reminds of that cannon scene at the start of The Great Dictator.

he prob didnt feel anything...died instantly
someone just decided to record him hmm....
He was recording him because he had earlier pulled the firing pin from the mortar shell as a practical joke. That clip got him 250 dinars on 'Akmallah-bin-Mujakbarred' (the iraqi equivalent of 'you've been framed')

Good one, Mohammed.