Id software to create new game after Doom III...not Quake or Doom or Wolfenstein.

If they don't make Commander Keen 7 I will kill them.
I wonder if it will be really dark and feature zombies and/or cyborgs?

They've said it was a new IP, meaing it won't be a sequel in any of their series.
It will be based on the doom3 engine, i'd figure.
Oh, well let's hope they can do something that has nothing to do with zombies, horror or monotone hallway environments.
Too bad carmack wont do new engines anymore... so i guess they have to make a really great game :)
Majestic XII said:
Too bad carmack wont do new engines anymore... so i guess they have to make a really great game :)

I thought Carmack wanted to make a final engine after Doom 3?

Ooo! The giant carrot is back!!
PvtRyan said:
I thought Carmack wanted to make a final engine after Doom 3?

Ooo! The giant carrot is back!!

Yes your right, he will make another engine before he retire (John's statement).

He also stated that next engine will start by the year 2008/2009 and end by the year 2011/12. He mentioned that the next engine will have the ability to produce LOTR movie FX and models.

WOW ;)
My guess is they're making Hexen III or Herectic III

Aside from anything else, id don't own the IP to those games.
Majestic XII said:
Too bad carmack wont do new engines anymore...
HAHA your wrong *points finger and laugh's* ;)

I heard in an interview with id that their next game wont be someting amazingly new. so expect just another blast'em shooter, and it will be again in some dark setting with mutants and sjit. Can't remember where I read that tho.
Okay, i was wrong. See, even the best people can be wrong sometimes :)

Its good to hear that her will make one more engine before he retires.
Yea, i hope they make it better than quake III who sucked badly...
Carmack is prolly getting tired and confused with what to do with so much money.

He'll only make the next-next generation eng to end with al engines.
chimpmunk said:
Yea, i hope they make it better than quake III who sucked badly...
myeah Quake3 wasnt even a real Quake. The last real quake game was Quake 2 and Quake 4 will continue from Quake 2
EVIL said:
myeah Quake3 wasnt even a real Quake. The last real quake game was Quake 2 and Quake 4 will continue from Quake 2

Not bad engine-wise. And putting aside it has the Quake name on it, it was a fair game in it's own right. Still, agreed.
The quake 3 engine was great for the time, first time i had seen proper curves in a video game. Also it ran absolutely fantastically, i dont recall any other game running as smooth as quake 3 on my p3 666.