ide + sata


Sep 21, 2003
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Alright my primary HDD is my SATA Raptor. I was thinking about connecting up my older 40 gig IDE to use as a porno storage drive. This would be my secondary drive obviously. I wouldnt have any of my important files, or games on it or anything. It will be used JUST for porn. Do I just format the IDE drive, and set it up as partition? How will XP handle my Second HDD when I format it?

I've never had more than 1 HDD connected in 1 box, so I'm not quite sure how to configure the Second drive for operation. Say, once it's installed, formatted, ect, is there a boot option when I start up Windows? Like will it give me a choice between which Drive I'd like to boot to at that time? How exactly will it work out?
So moving the jumper from primary to secondary on my IDE hdd will work alright? I wont need to make partitions or anything of that sort? How will I boot to it when I want to? Thats the only thing I'm confused about. setting it as slave automatically lets me choose which drive I want to boot to since windows see 2 drives?
It wont try to boot from the IDE unless there is an operating system on it.

Plugging in the hard drive and then loading up windows from the SATA, then going to my computer and formatting the hard drive there will do fine. Once it's formatted Windows should dectect it just like any other Hard drive and you should be able to read/write to/from it.
Ren.182 said:
It wont try to boot from the IDE unless there is an operating system on it.

Plugging in the hard drive and then loading up windows from the SATA, then going to my computer and formatting the hard drive there will do fine. Once it's formatted Windows should dectect it just like any other Hard drive and you should be able to read/write to/from it.

Well the thing is, there is an OS on my IDE drive. I never wiped it out before I got my New harddrive.
In that case, when you boot up, Windows will let you choose which OS one you load. Just make sure you select the SATA one, and format the IDE drive through windows
alright, thanks for clearing that up.

And yes, 40 gigs is alot of porn :thumbs:
TheGrimSweeper said:
put jumper on IDE drive to slave.
Totally wrong.

You have no other Parallel ATA hard drive, therefore set this PATA drive as the master. Your BIOS will attempt to boot from whichever hard drive you have set your BIOS to attempt to boot from first... Once the BIOS selects the drive, a bootloader loads the OS. Since your Windows was installed on your current SATA drive before you hooked up this second HDD, that bootloader on your SATA drive knows nothing about any other drives and any OS that may be on them. In other words, if you tell you BIOS to boot first from SATA, the right thing will happen anyway, simply because it doesn't even know to look for an OS on another drive.
psyno said:

Concur. When you boot off your SATA drive, your PATA drive will show up like any other media (CD-ROM, removable, flash, etc) and you will be able to use the space. You don't need to reboot and boot the OS on the PATA just to use that disk - you will have full access to the disk. However, if you have apps installed on your PATA drive that aren't installed on your SATA drive, they may need to be reinstalled to run correctly.