Idea for a mod - tower defence.


Gluteus Maximus

I had posted this in general editing, but this is probably a better place for it come to think of it.

I'm not looking for someone to join me in this, I am offering it for someone to do, to take the idea, and do it. Maybe I would map for it, but that's about it. I'm not really a modder, I just had htis idea that I thought would be cool.

I was looking at the front page news, and there was something about a map called towerassault for some mod. Anyway it got me thinking; how much I would enjoy a "tower defence" style mod for Source. You know, like the tower defence maps for Warcraft 3.

There's a few reasons I think this would make a good mod:

1. Easy to start with. You could make a simple version of this mod relatively easy, just build it off half life 2, bascially, have X amount of player spawns, then some places where the enemies spawn, and just get points per enemy, and make the waves come larger and larger. A score system for this would be easy for you coders I preume (I'm not a coder though, so it may be impossible for all I know eh?
2. It would be relatively easy to make maps for too. They wouldn't have to be big.
3.Would be fun. How popular is tower defence for warcraft 3? Also, look at sven co-op, it seems people like playing together in teams.
4.Could be greatly expanded upon. Eventually, if you got around to it you could even make them spawn defencing structures or soemthing. But at first I was thinking just shooting hte emimies, then you could make it so you got more powerfull (IE more damage and stuff) the more enemies you killed. You could maybe have a money system to buy etems too.

I have no will to make this mod, I can't code etc. But I would really love to play a mod like this.

I would also like to apologise if someone is allreaddy making this mod or has suggested this idea.

What do you guys think? Is is crap or a good idea? Obviosuly I haven't thought it though, I saw the news item, then registered here and posted about it
Tower defence in WC3 was one of the reasons I stopped playing it. It's fun, at first, but then you realise all you do is place 'towers' all along the edge of a pathway, and watch the baddies die. There's no teamwork in the game, just people moaning at other people because they're 'leaking'.
And I hate the fact that whomever make the first popular TD map didn't lock the map itself, so there are countless clones of it, like 'Pokemon' version. Urghhh.

Still, there might be a market for it, although it'll run really slow because of the model count, and most people will likely stay on the Warcraft ones.

-Angry Lawyer
Didn't think of the model count, that's a very good point.

On your other points though, maybe if there were no placing towers, it was just 3 or 4 people, trying to cover 3 or 4 points where they were guarding something and the enemy was trying to get in, maybe before a chopper came and picked them up or something. I don't konw, it was just an idea :)