So im making a map that will have a small section with a few arcade games in it...
I have been tossing around the idea of Making a Pinball machine in the arcade area that would be some what Playable....
With Halflife's physics.. it should be possible..
What do you think?.. Perhapse theres a method of assigning triggers for the left and the right paddle to be flipped..
(Think halflife's train.. Fwd button made train go Up one speed, back button made train go down one speed.. so in translating that, activate the pinball machine by actioning the "USE" button, then the fwd button will push left paddle, the backwd button will push the right paddle...
Is that a pheasable plan?.. Creating the pinball machine as a static mesh, with a Small silver ball within it..
Also, I wonder how such a small physics behaviour would effect performance,
seeing as I plan on this being a DM map and this is really only for depth and detail.. I wont want to keep it in if its going to cause lag/performace issues.
So im making a map that will have a small section with a few arcade games in it...
I have been tossing around the idea of Making a Pinball machine in the arcade area that would be some what Playable....
With Halflife's physics.. it should be possible..
What do you think?.. Perhapse theres a method of assigning triggers for the left and the right paddle to be flipped..
(Think halflife's train.. Fwd button made train go Up one speed, back button made train go down one speed.. so in translating that, activate the pinball machine by actioning the "USE" button, then the fwd button will push left paddle, the backwd button will push the right paddle...
Is that a pheasable plan?.. Creating the pinball machine as a static mesh, with a Small silver ball within it..
Also, I wonder how such a small physics behaviour would effect performance,
seeing as I plan on this being a DM map and this is really only for depth and detail.. I wont want to keep it in if its going to cause lag/performace issues.