Ideal Avatar Size

Avatar Size

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Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
what do you think the ideal avatar size should be?

I say we double the current size.
100*100 is usually the size that I use, because its easier to see, but 50*50 is good.

Heheheh, 500*500 would crash the internets.
Hmm, it's been 50x50 for years so I don't think the admins have any plans to change it.
This poll is wrong.
There is only one avatar size - 50x50.
You will live with this.
50x50 is too small. I don't like it and it doesn't like me.
Last thing anyone needs are people boosting their ego's with giant flashing banners.
Pi Mu Rho said:
This poll is wrong.
There is only one avatar size - 50x50.
You will live with this.

mr moo row speaks sense!
Double the current size at the most.

I have to cut down a red alert 2 icon because 50x50 is too small.
Maybe some halfway point like 75x75?

Anyway I know a better place where the avatars are just begging to be larger! *wink wink nudge*
Pi Mu Rho said:
This poll is wrong.
There is only one avatar size - 50x50.
You will live with this.
This thread got Pi Mu Rhowned. Seriously.
Ennui said:
Yeah, making them wider wouldn't alter the page layout. A height of 50 is enough but we could use some more width. Ask any woman... thickness is what's important. :E
I think 50x100 or 150 avatars would be excellent. Still small and simple, not much of a bandwidth increase, and enough space for actual text. Make a 40kb limit and then let us express ourselves a bit more :p
Keep it 50x50. 100x100+ is for those lamer boards with the user info down the left side where it won't fark up the layout so much.
In practice, this is what a 100*100 avatar looks like and I can safely say that it's not going to happen any time soon.

It looks hideous. "Widescreen" avatars like 100*50 generally look crap as well.


  • av_test.jpg
    88.4 KB · Views: 301
Let's see...

Slightly more acceptable, I guess.

100*100 definitely isn't going to happen though.
60x60, maybe 70x70 at most. Anything larger just makes the forum look like shit.

It's only a bit bigger, and it is a 2 to the nth number, which is good. A nice standard number.
Yeah, but it's only a bit bigger, so there's nop oint.
Ill have 100x100 or 200x200

But 500x500 (or over) it will take VERY long to load the page

Or internet might crash :p
If there were a tool for automatically shrinking the avatar I wouldn't complain :D
Chris_D said:
Let's see...

Slightly more acceptable, I guess.

100*100 definitely isn't going to happen though.

Not even if we give you money?
Make cheques payable to Chris Deeming @

I'm quite suprised that your bank account name is your e-mail address. I bet the bank worker gave you a funny look.
The only problem I had with my avatar was the size, you'd be surprised how much of the original gif I had to cut down.
let's have 200x200 avatars and image sigs!!!

or not.
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