ideas on what the combine are


Aug 4, 2004
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i dont know if there is any facts about who or what the combine are, but here are a few ideas, which one do you think is correct?

anouther alien race- the floating seal thing looks alien rather than human

the military- like half-life there are two types of combine, grunts and femal assasin type enemies

black-ops- as above

some type of terrorist organsation/ invaders from anouther country

are there any more i havnt listed?
Well personally I think the closest one you've listed could be terrorist organisation, they are the workforce of Dr.Breen (is that right) - I personally don't think they are aliens in any way - I just think they were given alien-like qualities to show that they are hostile to the player - after all the city is being overrun by alien invaders, and it could seem strange shooting human soldiers who are really in the same situation as you. What gets me is the striders - clearly alien, but why/how are they allied with the combine? Hmmm...

EDIT: Yeh wrong forum mate - It'll just get moved. And...

Welcome to The Forums!
I think they're the Earth's remaining military given alien tech.
Well, their tower is not like anything on earth. Neither are the gunships or the striders.
Methinks they're a combination of human/alien. Or harvesters (as their name states, though I think that refers to the tower rather then the soldiers)
Varg|Hund said:
Well, their tower is not like anything on earth. Neither are the gunships or the striders.
Methinks they're a combination of human/alien. Or harvesters (as their name states, though I think that refers to the tower rather then the soldiers)

There aren't HEV suits, ninja assasins or resinance cascades either.

It's a game, anything could happen, just because something is not recognisable to you doesn't mean it doesnt belong here.

If you showed a tv set to people 300 years ago they would burn you for being a witch.

Also combine has more than one meaning.
Kristafon said:
whats this thing about a tower?

....Do you even know anything about this game?

Read through the main page of this site.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
There aren't HEV suits, ninja assasins or resinance cascades either.

It's a game, anything could happen, just because something is not recognisable to you doesn't mean it doesnt belong here.

If you showed a tv set to people 300 years ago they would burn you for being a witch.

Also combine has more than one meaning.

all you ever do is complain!
LordXizor said:
The Combine is a bunch of power tripping commie libs.

Yeah I think so too. It was even mentioned that the Combine represent the 'old' ways of Eastern european communism, while the aliens represent the new. (PC Zone magazine). How are they Fascists? In the 10 years since Black Mesa the world has re-polarised into Capitalist and Communist, I reckon. (would explain the absence of US marines in the vids and stuff-HL2 is set deep in Commie territory.
Kristafon said:
all you ever do is complain!

Only when people make assumptions or post crap without first reading all the available information. Like you for example.
DashRendar said:
Yeah I think so too. It was even mentioned that the Combine represent the 'old' ways of Eastern european communism, while the aliens represent the new. (PC Zone magazine). How are they Fascists? In the 10 years since Black Mesa the world has re-polarised into Capitalist and Communist, I reckon. (would explain the absence of US marines in the vids and stuff-HL2 is set deep in Commie territory.

You do know the difference between Communism and Facism don't you?
all i did was ask what the tower was! im sooooo sorry for not knowing if i suck your k*** will you forgive me?
And all I did was tell you to read the front page.

I bet 90% or your questions will be answer from the information there.

Here I'll make it even easier for you.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Only when people make assumptions or post crap without first reading all the available information. Like you for example.

No you didnt just tell me, ever since i came to this forum an hour or so ago youve been constantly agressive, eg. the quote above.
Because you wouldn't listen to people when they said you were posting your threads in the wrong forum. When you were told this you acted as if someone had just told you to drop and give us 20.

Any trouble you were involved in was brought on by your own actions.
Magnetichead, you can't expect people to know everything there is too know about HL2, y'know. Some people have other, more important things to do ;)

Mr.Magnetichead said:
Because you wouldn't listen to people when they said you were posting your threads in the wrong forum.
Well, he can hardly move it himself. Why didn't you PM a mod for him Magnetic, if you were so disturbed by it?
It takes 10 minutes to read through the info on this site.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Because you wouldn't listen to people when they said you were posting your threads in the wrong forum. When you were told this you acted as if someone had just told you to drop and give us 20.

Any trouble you were involved in was brought on by your own actions.

Oh yes I did listen, however I posted the first thread then posted the second, went off for a few minutes and cam back to find people in both threads telling me i had posted it in the wrong place. Ive learnt my lesson! I read what they said!

Anyway if you look at the general HL2 forum most of the threads are rumors anyway,
Kristafon said:
Oh yes I did listen, however I posted the first thread then posted the second, went off for a few minutes and cam back to find people in both threads telling me i had posted it in the wrong place. Ive learnt my lesson! I read what they said!

Anyway if you look at the general HL2 forum most of the threads are rumors anyway,

Actually no they are not.
Ok, I know the huge discusion on what the Combine are... I personally dont know and can wait, but from the suff I have seen this may expalin part of it.

I know thats some type of different alien, Im saying this might be a different type of combine, like an assassin combine or something... This is what I think is the main shape of them.
For all I know they could be human, since "They put something in the water to make you forget", what if the combine are humans that are forced to drink water or injected with the chemical,so they dont even know who they are and are theyre to serve Breen and whatever he deems nessicary.
And a silence fills the room, every thread I touch dies...
lol the combines are obviously human beings , thats all i say so far.
and i for one think that the striders,gunships and the tower are futuristic human-technologies which were invented and tested in the times when they conquered xen!][/URL]

In this concept sketch mr. combine man has hair sticking out of his helmet. In HL1 there were no aliens with hair, and we haven't seen any yet in HL2 (but it would be funny :LOL: ).

Based on this I think its safe to say that the combine were originally intended to be human. Whether this has changed or not noone can really say right now.
theres no reason for thinkin that they are alien ! think of it !!!!
it is fairly evident that the common foot soldiers you see about at least USED to be human... but the higher ups in the 'combine' ladder are obviously NOT human... you think human beings made striders and gunships?
Mr.Magnetichead said:
You do know the difference between Communism and Facism don't you?

Of course not, the entire western world doesnt....

see: sanctions and tarrifs destroying cuban society

and "combine" does not refer to a "combonation" of man and machine, or alien, it referrs to the wall surrounding the citadel eating its way thru the city, like a COMBINE eats thru a corn field... :cheers:
magnetics head needs to drink less coffee. lol. ITS OKAY DUDE CHILL OUT!


CreamOfetus said:
it is fairly evident that the common foot soldiers you see about at least USED to be human... but the higher ups in the 'combine' ladder are obviously NOT human... you think human beings made striders and gunships?
hell yea i do think that !
of course they're aliens wearing gasmasks to hide their faces.(maybe) :hmph: :hmph:
Kristafon said:
i dont know if there is any facts about who or what the combine are, but here are a few ideas, which one do you think is correct?

anouther alien race- the floating seal thing looks alien rather than human

the military- like half-life there are two types of combine, grunts and femal assasin type enemies

black-ops- as above

some type of terrorist organsation/ invaders from anouther country

are there any more i havnt listed?

Wrong , wrong , wrong .

As I've seen from the beta pictures of HL2 that some website showed , they are humans , but some kinda cyborgs .
read my Grand Unified Theory for my view... I wrote it exactly for this kind of thing
??? what do you mean ? nobody mentioned headcrabs dude hahah :D