:( If all of you people are Good Hearted please HELP AND READ ! :(



Hey PEOPLE please help me... I am a HUGE HL2-Fan and I can't wait until this game is out but I am worried to my nuts !!

I am stuck with a frikkin MSI Fx5600... Please tell me how will it run ! PLEASE ! BTW specs below:

AMD Athlon XP 2600+
MSI K7n2 Delta-ILSR Mtherboard (nForce 2 chipset)
MSI GeForce Fx 5600
512mb DDR RAM @ dual channel mode
On-Board Sound Card (EAX 2.0 Compatible)
Windows XP Professional
Should run ok. It'll be DX8 mode though. I've the same card.
I have an FX 5200 and it runs perfectly fine, so I don't imagine yours wont.
It will run, don't worry. Not a too bad system you got there. Your 3D card isn't high end, but it will do.

edit: uuuhm, isn't the FX generation of Geforce DX9.x based?
It will run fine. Perhaps not without slowdowns if you play on best settings, but it will run fine.
Torre said:
It will run, don't worry. Not a too bad system you got there. Your 3D card isn't high end, but it will do.

edit: uuuhm, isn't the FX generation of Geforce DX9.x based?

They are Dx9 but hl2 will make them run at the dx8 lvl for performance reasons..
Edge-Gamer said:
Hey PEOPLE please help me... I am a HUGE HL2-Fan and I can't wait until this game is out but I am worried to my nuts !!

I am stuck with a frikkin MSI Fx5600... Please tell me how will it run ! PLEASE ! BTW specs below:

AMD Athlon XP 2600+
MSI K7n2 Delta-ILSR Mtherboard (nForce 2 chipset)
MSI GeForce Fx 5600
512mb DDR RAM @ dual channel mode
On-Board Sound Card (EAX 2.0 Compatible)
Windows XP Professional
Yup, it'll run ok...ish. Too bad you don't have a DX9 card, the DX8 effects suck.
Exactly... what I wanted to know was actually if I can run this thing at full, coz I was planning on buying the Sapphire 9800 Pro and that would be perfect, but I can't afford it right now... sooo I am only hoping I will manage to play this game and have fun :D

Yellonet said:
Yup, it'll run ok...ish. Too bad you don't have a DX9 card, the DX8 effects suck.

WHAT THE HELL MAN !?!?!?!?!!??! The FX series are ALL DX9
and OpenGl 1.4 !! And obviously so is my card ! IT IS DX9 FOR SURE !! All of the GeForce FX are !!
oh it'll run allready.. atleast you got a descent CPU.. *picks up a hammer and smashes his 1.7ghz CPU*
Didn't anybody read the topic?

If all of you people are Good Hearted please HELP AND READ !

Half of us are jerks,. we fail to qualify. Why are you guys helping?
f|uke said:
Didn't anybody read the topic?

If all of you people are Good Hearted please HELP AND READ !

Half of us are jerks,. we fail to qualify. Why are you guys helping?

Damn, that slipped by me. I gotta keep a closer watch on what I do these days. Next thing you know I'll be helping old ladies across the street.
LOL... I just wanna be sure if it'll run on everything high without no fsaa
Yeah, it'll run. But it will just look like a sack of spuds. I have a 9800PRO at the moment, would you like to buy it from me? I'll do you a very special price.
Your ready

Oh, I wouldnt worry a bit..

Have you played Cs Source Open Beta? Cause that just went well with me...
I scored 96 fps in the video stress test and I just have 2800 Mhz 512 Mbram and a Geforce 6800.... That means that you should score something like 70 fps... which is just fine!!!
Jeehde2 said:
Oh, I wouldnt worry a bit..

Have you played Cs Source Open Beta? Cause that just went well with me...
I scored 96 fps in the video stress test and I just have 2800 Mhz 512 Mbram and a Geforce 6800.... That means that you should score something like 70 fps... which is just fine!!!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !! Ok, but look at your specs !!! I don't have a 6800 !!! LOL and that is a big difference !!! At the same settings in ur stress test I would get like 30 fps or something !

Oh and btw from where can I get Cs Source Open Beta ?!?!!?

Yeah, there should be some difference, but I dont think its
That much... you should be fine, really..

I bought CS condition zero and therefore I downloaded the Open Beta from Steam. But the Beta ended when CS Source was released, so you wont be able to download or play it anymore, unless you want to pay...

But how about Far Cry and Doom III? Did you play anything like that? If they work, HL 2 works...

Even if you dont have a 6800, HL2 should work, Im sure...

The reason most people are talking about the 5200 being a DX8 card (it's really a DX9 card) is because performance is terrible in Source under the DX9 codepath. So, you'll want to run it in DX8 to get decent performance. (Decent is a relative term, though)

There are numerous benchmarks out there that would be useful to you. Among them are AnandTech's, and that of Tom's Hardware Guide. In the THG article, pay special attention to the NVIDIA DX8 versus DX9 page.
Edge-Gamer said:
Hey PEOPLE please help me... I am a HUGE HL2-Fan and I can't wait until this game is out but I am worried to my nuts !!

I am stuck with a frikkin MSI Fx5600... Please tell me how will it run ! PLEASE ! BTW specs below:

AMD Athlon XP 2600+
MSI K7n2 Delta-ILSR Mtherboard (nForce 2 chipset)
MSI GeForce Fx 5600
512mb DDR RAM @ dual channel mode
On-Board Sound Card (EAX 2.0 Compatible)
Windows XP Professional

I've only got an AMD Athlon XP 1800+ and a ti4200 GC.
Edge-Gamer said:
Hey PEOPLE please help me... I am a HUGE HL2-Fan and I can't wait until this game is out but I am worried to my nuts !!

I am stuck with a frikkin MSI Fx5600... Please tell me how will it run ! PLEASE ! BTW specs below:

AMD Athlon XP 2600+
MSI K7n2 Delta-ILSR Mtherboard (nForce 2 chipset)
MSI GeForce Fx 5600
512mb DDR RAM @ dual channel mode
On-Board Sound Card (EAX 2.0 Compatible)
Windows XP Professional

I'm stuck with a fx5200 and CS: S runs okay for me... so don't worry about it. Dont expect to run on full though.

I'm thinking about getting the Sapphire 9800 pro too :p
Physicles said:
The reason most people are talking about the 5200 being a DX8 card (it's really a DX9 card) is because performance is terrible in Source under the DX9 codepath. So, you'll want to run it in DX8 to get decent performance. (Decent is a relative term, though)

There are numerous benchmarks out there that would be useful to you. Among them are AnandTech's, and that of Tom's Hardware Guide. In the THG article, pay special attention to the NVIDIA DX8 versus DX9 page.

No, the reason why it's not DX9 is because it's really not DX9. It's a sort of weird half-ass DX9 that they put together that doesn't work. ATi used the exact DX9 spec in their 9xxx cards, so that's why Source works properly on them. Nvidia 5xxx (Though, I think they may have fixed it a couple of the the 5x50 versions, didn't they? I don't remember) cards need the special code path because they don't understand a lot of the real DX9 instructions that the ATi cards understand.

There was a huge uproar a while back about this, a lot of nVidia owners were really pissed that the products they bought were mis-represented in their product specs.
I've got 69 fps in the stress test, and my nvidia is a TI4200 128 mb.
Though I've got an amd 64 bit cpu +3200 and 512 mb sucki pc2100 ram.
I think your machine will run hl2 fine, maybe not at highest, but then replay when you get a new card. I wll.
Jeehde2 said:
Yeah, there should be some difference, but I dont think its
That much... you should be fine, really..

I bought CS condition zero and therefore I downloaded the Open Beta from Steam. But the Beta ended when CS Source was released, so you wont be able to download or play it anymore, unless you want to pay...

But how about Far Cry and Doom III? Did you play anything like that? If they work, HL 2 works...

Even if you dont have a 6800, HL2 should work, Im sure...


Heqhem... Guys I have already told you that I am 100% sure that it will work... What I want to know is how it is gonna work... ex Everything medium or high or low, withought fsaa etc !!!

Oh and btw I played far cry and tweaked it and manages to play it everything FULL withought any FSAA and at 800x600. And Doom 3 worked at medium no fsaa special effects on full !

Physicles said:
The reason most people are talking about the 5200 being a DX8 card (it's really a DX9 card) is because performance is terrible in Source under the DX9 codepath. So, you'll want to run it in DX8 to get decent performance. (Decent is a relative term, though)

There are numerous benchmarks out there that would be useful to you. Among them are AnandTech's, and that of Tom's Hardware Guide. In the THG article, pay special attention to the NVIDIA DX8 versus DX9 page.

No, the reason why it's not DX9 is because it's really not DX9. It's a sort of weird half-ass DX9 that they put together that doesn't work. ATi used the exact DX9 spec in their 9xxx cards, so that's why Source works properly on them. Nvidia 5xxx (Though, I think they may have fixed it a couple of the the 5x50 versions, didn't they? I don't remember) cards need the special code path because they don't understand a lot of the real DX9 instructions that the ATi cards understand.

I've got 69 fps in the stress test, and my nvidia is a TI4200 128 mb.

Thanks for all your help and especcialy for those benchmarks !! Thanks a lot guys :cheese:
maybe might not work at the highest level of details, but it will get u through the game.
Torre said:
It will run, don't worry. Not a too bad system you got there. Your 3D card isn't high end, but it will do.

edit: uuuhm, isn't the FX generation of Geforce DX9.x based?

yeah they are cept the performance is so horrible in DX9 mode that its best to run the game in DX8 mode.
It'll run it at direct x 8.1 level unless you specifically force it to direct x 9. (However, that'd slow waaaay down.)

A 5600 will give you decent performance, but nothing to brag about by any means. You may be able to turn features to high by lowering resolution.
Not being pessimistic or anything..... but you'll seriouslly have to fork out at east 2000 dollars on a new video card.....fans.....and a diamond ring to put by your bed for the toothfairy to steal.....

i mean to say, with those specs.....your comp will lag, shutdown sporadically, with Windows Error messages...viruses etc etc...

probably a few trojans hidden in nVidia tech too..... that will destroy your steam account so you won't be ab to activate hl2.....

also, they just release on steam new info that the only graphics card that will work is the ati radeon 99999999xx99 pro logical super psycho fun-ride merry-go-round trip festival card...

which retails at Us 1TRILLION.....

so start saving!!!...... :cheers:
Yogibbear said:
Not being pessimistic or anything..... but you'll seriouslly have to fork out at east 2000 dollars on a new video card.....fans.....and a diamond ring to put by your bed for the toothfairy to steal.....

i mean to say, with those specs.....your comp will lag, shutdown sporadically, with Windows Error messages...viruses etc etc...

probably a few trojans hidden in nVidia tech too..... that will destroy your steam account so you won't be ab to activate hl2.....

also, they just release on steam new info that the only graphics card that will work is the ati radeon 99999999xx99 pro logical super psycho fun-ride merry-go-round trip festival card...

which retails at Us 1TRILLION.....

so start saving!!!...... :cheers:

Hey YOGI may I know why are you so MUCH FU**D UP ?!?!?!?!? You think me an idiot ??? LOL your'e mad if you do !!!
Edge-Gamer said:
Hey YOGI may I know why are you so MUCH FU**D UP ?!?!?!?!? You think me an idiot ??? LOL your'e mad if you do !!!

No...i was being sarcastic..... ;(
Take it easy guys


I think it was quite clear that yogi was just a little bit sarcastic...

so keep cool everyone

peace :cheers:
Jeehde2 said:

I think it was quite clear that yogi was just a little bit sarcastic...

so keep cool everyone

peace :cheers:

DAAAAAAAAA LOL !! I was just playing along :LOL: Sorry if I hurt you Yogi :cool: :borg: