If anyone is wondering if their computer will play Oblivion check this out

Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
I found a few cool places you can go to that might help your computer play Oblivion better.
www.oldblivion.com: This site's great if you have an old graphics card that isn't even supported by the game (keep in mind though, the program is still in early stages and may have a few bugs)They had a system with a GeForce 3, a 1.5 ghz processor, and 512 MB RAM running the game with fair graphics, but the framerate drops into the teens and sometimes below ten when your outside with an old graphics card, and ten and below inside with the GeForce 3 I'm sure, but I'm sure that's better than not playing it at all. Check out their forums for more screenshots
The GeForce 3 computer: All screenshots taken on a Geforce 3 standard edition, 1.5 Ghz AMD Athlon, 512 MB RAM.



Check that out, 18 FPS, pretty good

Also some tweaks: http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html
And some fixes for graphical errors and the like: http://www.stg-gaming.com/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=102&posts=1#M501

Feel free to add to the list!
Wow, this is pretty impressing... There goes all the "the way it's meant to be played BC", wich only hurts the player imo.. It seems not suporting these cards is only a marketing action after all.. GG
Tarkus said:
Wow, this is pretty impressing... There goes all the "the way it's meant to be played BC", wich only hurts the player imo.. It seems not suporting these cards is only a marketing action after all.. GG

It works now! Even with my 1.1 shader 8.1 DX (DX9 supported) card w00t it runs pretty decent!

www.oldblivion.com rocks. I hope they continue to improve it - sounds like they will
oldblivion com said:
Source is not available right now. If at any time the project is abandoned by me (asp) I will release the source so that people can update the software when Bethesda releases patches.
celeron D 2.666 Ghz :devil:
9250 PCI (256MB version) shader 1.1 pixel 1.1 (somewhere around there. mine doesn't support 2.0 - if yours does, it may look better with oldblivion, i don't know. check the website)
1Gig Ram

The game previously wouldn't work at all, the screen was completely white. Looking on the Oblivion website they say
Q. my screen is completely white
A. your graphics card is not supported

:initiates buttsechs with JackKarverboy:
Really great find :D. I mean, it's not really of any use to me... but it's a great resource nevertheless :thumbs:
I'm sure it could help a little, maybe to get longer view distances or something. I get my game tomorrow so I'll try it out and post here, cause I have an FX.
Just a heads up.

A warning, it does not look great mind you. With everything set to the lowest setting except view distance is about 25-35% on all things, and I changed the amount of grass to much less, it runs pretty smooth in caves and such 35-110 fps, but can get fairly low framerate where there are people and lots of items (shops). 15-35fps

Also, with this oldblivion mod, pretty much everything looks weird. Colors can be way off, and trees look like 2D sprites, etc. It really looks about like Morrowind does, but the gameplay, the game, the physics, everything like that is perfectly intact. I also had bad sound problem so I disabled my sound card and used on board sound - no problems since.

They are still working on those shaders for oldblivion, they are still version 0.1 beta shader models. I'm just happy to be able to play it at this point.

It's really a lot of fun and I can't stop playing, but I'm not sure how it will look for people with Nvidia cards, I've seen some screenshots on oldblivion.com and their games look perfect - mine does not look like that. Big texture shading problems - looks like morrowind.

I had already bought the game on a prayer that it might work with my PC, knowing one day I would have a PC that could play it, so I had nothing to lose.

My PC specs are listed in my previous post in this thread if you need to know. K, I'm going to go play some more. :D
(Sorry for the double post)

Unsatisfied with the results I described in the previous post, I joined oldblivion forums and described my problem, got answers within seconds, and Its hugely better now. The game looks like it should now. Please visit oldblivion.com and see this thread where i show screenshots of my previous problem:


(my username there is Vythicus)

It's pretty much all fixed now. The character creation screen is still dark, but everywhere else it looks fine now! Fixed.

hopefully new versions of oldblivion will further improve everything

I put a new post up there (click above link in this post) just now with some screenshots after I got some help from them. a billion times better. Hopefully they can get that interior lighting fixed for Radeon cards in future versions of oldblivion. Quite dark, not as dark as the screenshot would suggest though. Still highly playable. Very good framerate. 24-55fps while moving. All with a PCI card. :D
Shit, Just because of this Oldblivion thing, I just may go out and buy the game :D!
Wow that Oldblivion is awesome. Works much better than the link i posted.
Thank you all for posting, it's the moment of truth for me tomorrow, I will finally see how far my pc can go. I couldn't get the game today, but I most definitely will tomorrow unless my computer has a meltdown before I get to playing!
Why do those screenshots look better than my radeon 9800 pro?
The game seems to be running better and better for me. With my PCI card I have been using high rez textures, 800x600 rez, and view distance 25-100% with 25-60 frames per second. I don't have shadows enabled or anything fancy, and with oldblivion, certain colors are off, but at least I get to play the game, and it's still beautiful. Hopefully they will get the lighting and colors just right. I can't believe they have got it to work even, much less work this well. My game has never crashed.

The thing is - I use a console command, I think it turns off dynamic lighting or something, it basically triples my frame-rate, and all dungeons are well lit. So it's sort of a cheat, but without it, things like torches really hurt the frame-rate anyway, so using them makes the game nearly unplayable otherwise.

The command is to open the console and type slp 0010 or slp 0011. There are other things you can try like slp 1111 slp 1, slp 1110, or any of the 16 combinations. This has to be typed into the console every time you play unless you create a batch config. The other thing I use that really improves the graphics is to type setfog 60000 99999 into the console. This removes the blue fog so you see nothing but the beautiful graphics, and didn't seem to affect my frame-rate. To access the console its the button to the left of the number 1 key ~

Again the five that I recommend you try are the slp codes I specifically listed. I currently have the best luck with slp 0010. Looks the best and runs the best. Some colors may be a bit off (mainly teeth), but the performance is extreme.

Screenshots of my game and my PC specs are listed earlier in this thread. Click the link to oldblivion in my previous post to see screenshots, It actually looks better than that now, since I have since improved my graphics settings with really no difference in frame-rate

It's beautiful, even if people have black teeth, one of the few noticeable abnormalities of the settings I go with. I can look past that.

Another thing people could do is alter the Oblivion.ini which is located in My Documents/My Games/Oblivion. Don't mess with the Oblivion_default.ini! You can do things like remove the effect of the wind on the grass and lower the amount of grass clumps which really makes a huge difference in how well the game plays. I did lower the grass from 80 to 160 (higher number = less grass in this case) for 3x the frame-rate in outdoor areas. I haven't removed the wind effect, I'm just assuming. I may try that, and instead increase the view distance to 100% on everything as a trade-off.

Finally, the link to the oblivion tweeks I think is listed in the original post in this thread will link ATi users to ATi Tray Tools, which allows you to alter the frames to render ahead, which removes mouse lag. Nvidia users I think have this option built into the Nvidia control panel, but if not, a program that can is listed in the tweakguide link as well. To change the frames rendered ahead to remove mouse lag, right click the ATI Tray Tools icon in your windows tray, highlight 3D and reduce the Flip Queue Size to 2 or 1. Don't use this unless the mouse lag is a problem, because it can hurt performance otherwise. Currently I have it set to 1 with great results, but I may try 2 again. I believe 3 is the default but not sure.
Raziaar said:
Why do those screenshots look better than my radeon 9800 pro?


I'm using Oldblivion atm and it really works well, actually makes the game playable. Only problem is that I have to turn so much stuff off that the landscape looks just like Morrowind. No Distant Lands and Draw Distance down lower makes it look pretty poor.
Raziaar said:
Why do those screenshots look better than my radeon 9800 pro?

The only thing I can think of is that they tweaked the hell out of the game on that computer, I'll try and find some tweak guides for ATI cards
xombine said:


I'm using Oldblivion atm and it really works well, actually makes the game playable. Only problem is that I have to turn so much stuff off that the landscape looks just like Morrowind. No Distant Lands and Draw Distance down lower makes it look pretty poor.

Ill tell you how to pwn. Type in the console:

setfog 60000 99999

then set tree fade up some. If you don't put tree fade up some, it will look horrible. Don't set this one to 0%

Here is the ultimate framerate boost:

if your PC is really struggling you can turn on lite bright. type
(turn light bright on/off)
into the console and you should be able to run the game at an extreme framerate
Guys, it works great on mine with large textures, and shitty quality water, and I can have really long view distances without it jacking down the FPS. If anyone has any trouble, maybe I can help.
Well my comp's graphics card is a handful of generations beyond that, (G3 - > 6200 256mb) so maybe it will run... I guess I'll buy Obliv this week :P

At worst I'll just have to jack my brother's computer when he's gone for the summer.
A 6200 shouldn't need Oldblivion at all. Of course you won't be able to put all the settings higher up, but it should be fine.
But my ram is only 512, processor 1.8. I dunno, it'll probably be fine. I'm gonna jack it from a friend for a day to check it out first though, no return policy on electronics...
Infern0 said:
But my ram is only 512, processor 1.8. I dunno, it'll probably be fine. I'm gonna jack it from a friend for a day to check it out first though, no return policy on electronics...

It should be fine, I have 256 mb more ram then you, but I have a 1.8 GHZ processor and only a 5900
I can't understand why you guys would buy game PC's and then leave it at 512MB. It's like having a Ferrari with emergency donut tires on it. :(

When I jumped from 512MB to 1024MB RAM, I was totally surprised how much smoother and faster the framerate was, how much less stutter and loading pauses there were, and how I could now run max resolution textures easily with just a $30 investment in some budget Ram that was on sale. You really should get some, I really recommend it. It's really easy to install.

Here is a pic of my toon at level 8 with lots of arrows stuck in me. Note the Redguard white boy. Heh heh, I like doing something different. I love the flexibility in the character creation that the Elder Scrolls games have, and now - with Oblivion, this falls into the way your character looks as well. (In morrowind you could only pick from 5 hair and 5 faces, and that was the extent of customizing the way your character looked.) I'll put another pic up tomorrow here somewhere, I just found a sweet helmet and Orcish chest plate (that shit looks righteous!) I haven't been looking at other peoples characters (so when I find the stuff it will look new to me). I guess many of you may have seen Orcish Plate armor already? I'll put it up tomorrow anyhow - it's cool.
Jack_Karverboy said:
Yeah, it's pretty good!
You got that right! Here is the proof:





Running on 9250 PCI card. hahaha avg - 28fps exterior (outside), 42 fps interior (inside caves)

This game is the ultimate.
Dang. :( that works better on your computer than on mine! I just have to figure out how to get these green blobs of...green stuff off the ground.
Jack_Karverboy said:
Dang. :( that works better on your computer than on mine! I just have to figure out how to get these green blobs of...green stuff off the ground.
What do you mean? Is it grass? bushes? I can tell you how to fix both. Why don't you seek support on oldblivion.com. Thats what I did. All the answers are there, but they aren't in any specific place, you sort of have to get lucky hitting the right thread. Luckily though, the forum is new so there aren't that many threads to try. I believe there is a problem with the grass at this point, while I had no problems with grass using version 0.10 after setting up my ini and config, recently I decided to just remove it altogether, though I will try to put at least some back.

First thing you do is read the README that came included with 0.11t2 Most of the answers are in there - I seem to remember him saying in there that grass is broken right now, although I didn't have any problems with it on my Ati card. To change your amount of grass you need to edit the Oblivion.ini, not the Oblivion_default.ini - just leave that be. You can find out how to edit grass from tweakguides. Check on one of these pages. --> http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_9.html

Nevermind I found it for you,.

This is the default. Raising this value gives less grass.

The default amount of grass is 80, if you change it to 120, grass will be less. I put it to 120 with great results, but you can go to like 160 and it actually still looks great.

Anyway here is what you will find in the Oblivion.ini (located in My Documents/My Games/Oblivion)
What you might want to do is just turn the grass off, which you can do by setting the following code to 0 just like this:
ANYWAY - Check the website, as many people are going through the same things as you. Why not join the website and ask if you can't find it by searching.
Yeah, thanks, the grass wasn't what I was thinking of but come to think of it, the grass is messed up too.
OK, but I have heard people complaining of green blobs and I'm nearly certain there is a fix listed on that website. Good luck bro :)