If BadHat lived a long time ago....

*Lord of the Rings music starts to play*
I think it'd be cool if giant animals like that still exists today...The animals that roam about now just seem boring in comparison. Except big cats maybe.
oldagerocker said:
Giant animals rock, i'd like to see a giant cat. raar !!!

Oh my gosh, that would totally rule. Imagine a very fierce cat twice as big as the biggest dog, wow :O. That would rock.
Did you know that 10 million years ago there were Guinness pigs at the size of horses.
Razor said:
Oh my gosh, that would totally rule. Imagine a very fierce cat twice as big as the biggest dog, wow :O. That would rock.

like a very fat tiger!
Maybe with all these extra large animals around,
Big Foot is real :O
The_Monkey said:
Did you know that 10 million years ago there were Guinness pigs at the size of horses.

Did you know horses used to be the size of a mouse?
I bet he's got one big pecker if you know what I mean.
I was expecting something more along the lines of "...he would have been tried as a witch cause he's so cool it's inhuman."
The Thing said:
I bet he's got one big pecker if you know what I mean.


...imagine a woodpecker in those days! :O Quarrypecker :D

It'd probably carve out a high rise set of flats in a giant redwood or something.
Anyone here living in Texas or Arizona?

Watch out for the Thunderbirds... and I'm not talking about those puppets in planes.

Also pterodactyls.
mindless_moder said:
spiders the size of elephants ....it wud be known as the pwnage animal


that would so not rock.
If BahHat lived a long time ago...

I wish someone made a thread about me :(

But, it would be cool if there was a giant walrus. He would eat cities...
lol, imagine the tusks on the wallyzilla!
lol, my dog's breath would own the wallyzilla!

Now imagine a giant Danimal :O
giant penguins would so rock :D
imagine that thing waddling into a city.. :E
If bad hat lived that long ago... I dont think big birds were high on the list of worries...


Edit: nvm i read the article wrong, i thought is said 5000 years ago...not 500 :x
Well, I wouldn't have to worry about feeding the kids with that kind of game. The wife wouldn't have any complaints thanks to my gargantuan neanderthal shlong. What were you referring to?

Re-financin? No Probalo!

Gotta watch out for those percent signs, though.
Bad^Hat said:
Well, I wouldn't have to worry about feeding the kids with that kind of game. The wife wouldn't have any complaints thanks to my gargantuan neanderthal shlong. What were you referring to?

Re-financin? No Probalo!

Gotta watch out for those percent signs, though.

Inflation, jeez you gotta watch out for that. That "schlong" of yours would be probably be worth around 100 times as much in today's prices.
I think its that tiny arse neandertal brain that you might have trouble with... and with that gigantic wang there isnt gonna be enough blood left to power it...

How bout that, tripod? :p

hmmm actually you never need worry because you'd never be able to 'get things going' down there seeing as this is your wife

burnzie said:
hmmm actually you never need worry because you'd never be able to 'get things going' down there seeing as this is your wife

I'd hit it. :naughty:
if giant animals started appearing i'd first suspect we all shrunk, that's just the way I think I cant help it.
Sh4mp00 said:
if giant animals started appearing i'd first suspect we all shrunk, that's just the way I think I cant help it.

what so insted of the animal getting bigger... EVERYTHING else just got smaller... ;)
It Was Earth All Along! Damn You, Damn You All To Hell
I thought it was spelt differnetly :| Then again, I am not a fan of that movie
Dr Zaius!....Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius!....Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius!....Dr Zaius!
Ohhhhhh....Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius!Dr Zaius!
I typed it out Zeus but that didn't look right so I googled it. I'm mighty thorough about these things :)
