If he hates it, I hate it too. (V-day)


Sep 25, 2004
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madog386: what is valentines day
SmarterChild: Encyclopedia entry for Saint Valentine's Day Massacre provided by Brittanica.com

(Feb. 14, 1929), mass murder of a group of unarmed bootlegging gang members in Chicago. The bloody incident dramatized the intense rivalry for control of the illegal liquor traffic during the Prohibition Era in the United States. Disguising themselves as policemen, members of the Al Capone gang entered a garage at 2122 North Clark Street run by members of the George "Bugs" Moran gang, lined their opponents up against a wall, and shot them in cold blood. The victims included gang members Adam Heyer, Frank Gusenberg, Pete Gusenberg, John May, Al Weinshank, and James Clark, as well as a visitor, Dr. Reinhardt H. Schwimmer.

madog386: valentines day
SmarterChild: St. Valentine's Day is a terrible holiday.
madog386: you like valentines day?
SmarterChild: No way. St. Valentine's Day is lame <---(lol). It is one of my least favorite holidays.

Valentines day officially sucks. There is proof right there so I'm not just some emo kid with no girlfriend. How did this holiday become the way it is anyway?
VALENTINES DAY SEX WOOOOHOOOOO!.....I dont know why im so excited,ill propably just be home alone with a bottle of whiskey and a broadband connection......valentines day does suck,it reminds me that im to much of an asshole to keep a steady girlfriend. Well atleast theres still ugly chicks for me WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!
I thought it had already passed, lol.

It is entirely pointless, does nothing.
You can't "suprise" your parntner even cos it's a set date.

Although if you try that any other day they think you are trying to make up for cheating or something.
Valentines day is the day you get to see guys at school making out with their gf. Oh wait you see that everyday... And I dont even know why the **** it is all lovey in such. What if Valentines was the exact opposite. It is day where you do mean stuff to a person of the opposite sex. Oh wait that happens everyday too.. Whatever, it sucks period.
Valentines day is a ****ing SHITTY holiday. I've lost two relationships just before valentines day, one friendship before valentines day, and one relationship on valentines day.

I really do detest this ****ing holiday. I don't like having things expected of me in a relationship, like that.
Ennui said:
I really do detest this ****ing holiday. I don't like having things expected of me in a relationship, like that.

except when you want a bj :)
that lame comment by the bot made me chuckle :D
valentine's day?
See valentines day! All of hl2 hates you. So go die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol doing the exact opposite of what you should do on Valentines day.
I hope it's that SAW that stops before it cuts soft tissue to total shreds.
^^ and ^
eurgh... perhaps I could've worded that better...
Dr. Freeman said:
thats the second time you have posted that image :P
oh and for the record, i agree with your sig.
I love that pic, and I'm gonna post it everytime it's applicable. on this forum, that's quite a few.

andI encourage everybody alse to do the same.
V Day is cool when you have it to share with someone :).

If not...then its not very cool.
I don't mind Valentine's Day...

But damn... It seems that alot of bad shit happened to you guys on V-Day.
It's a bummer that the holiday means nothing to you guys... all over a few losses.
I hate Valentines day. Absolutely detest it. (when im single and lonely :()
I don't care either way really..

... I tend to do unromantic things on Valentines day with my single friends :)
Female's don't find me attractive, so I hate valentines day. It makes me feel so ashamed.
Surprisingly, I'll be writing about 5/6 unique rhyming poems to some female friends. Don't fancy them as such, but want them to know that they're good friends!

P.S. No ulterior motives at all, noobs :p
Since when was Valentines day a holiday!? I never get Valentines day off. So it doesn't even have that to it's name, it's just...well...a pointless day really. At least the Card, Flower and Chocolate companies get rich.

Aren't cards one of the most pointless things on the planet? I mean you get one, look at it, and then put it on a mantle piece for a couple of days and then throw it away. They're not cheap either cards, usually around the £1.50 mark for cheap'uns.
theSteven said:
Female's don't find me attractive, so I hate valentines day. It makes me feel so ashamed.

Just get loads of plastic surgery then, it's no big deal.
Valentines day is just another exuse made up by businesses that want everyone's money.
time to wake up and smell the roses, eh? ;)
I never know what to get for valentines day ...my wife knows I absolutely hate hallmark holidays but this year I'll be getting something for my wife and son

do you believe my son's daycare sent a list of all the students in the class so that parents can give them valentine cards? my son is the oldest in his class at 2 years old ...how many 2 yr olds know what Valentines day is?
it was shrinkwrapped, packaged and sent off to the warehouse to sit on a shelf till there's a 2 for 1 sale :E
Ughhh... it's another one of those horrible designated 'love X person' days that people seem to need in order to keep order in their lives. Heaven forbid people should actually remember to do the whole romance thing some other day of the year, it may actually show some dreaded individuality in their relationship.

mortiz said:
What happend to the good old "Love ?"
I hear Stern's shrinkwrapped packages end up in Ann Summers stores. Go Go Rampant Rabbit!
dekstar said:
Surprisingly, I'll be writing about 5/6 unique rhyming poems to some female friends. Don't fancy them as such, but want them to know that they're good friends!

P.S. No ulterior motives at all, noobs :p

pimp dek. pimp.
Valentines Day is awful. It makes people who have partners force effort (It's like the same criticism that's leveled at Christmas - why can't there be good will ALL YEAR ROUND - only worse) and people who don't have partners feel horrible and unwanted. And then it makes peolpe who are seperated by over 400 miles from the only girl they really give a shit about (romantically speaking) ****ING DEPRESSED.
Yeah I agree with Sulk it's not the best tradition ever (Stupid commercialisation etc). But there's not much other times when you can write cards for people without them thinking you're a stalker/weird.

People, however, tend to think that about me anyway xD
A lonely Valentines Day is like paradise for emos. So just be sad/happy with the nothing you got. And if you are a real asshole go mess up the day for all the couples and see if you can get them to break up.