If I don't have HL2, then what do I have?


Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Okey.. I might sound like the biggest nerd alive, but I've just played trough Half Life 2 for the third time and I just can't seem to move on. I've tried other games but none of them live up to the standard of HL2. Not just graphics but the story, the enviroments and the people makes HL2 the best game ever!! Nothing can be compared to it... (damn I need help :p)

So.. what to do? Keep playing HL2 until HL3 comes out? Seems like there isn't much else to do. Although I don't wanna ruin the fun of the game by playing it like 50 times.

Valve! Give us HL3 .. NOW! :D
F.E.A.R should give a nice change of pace
Yeah sure... got deathmatch and CS:Source, but I'm not so much into multiplayer. I want fps!

But F.E.A.R will be really nice, that's true! Something to look forward to, even though it's not Gordon :(
Red Faction
Black Mesa: Source
ríomhaire said:
Red Faction
Black Mesa: Source
Mmm...Black Mesa: Source... *Simpson drool*
ríomhaire said:
Black Mesa: Source

Bang on ^ - Can't wait till Black Mesa: Source :bounce:


FEAR - have played the demo, seems very good
Day of Defeat: Source - slightly similar to CS, but also very different :rolling: (a challenge at first)
Doom 3 - have a look at http://www.mackandmesh.com/videos.php (very funny and popular)
FEAR indeed... seems as if I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed the demo
iMMuNiTy said:
Quake 4 next Tuesday. Looks nice.

PC Gamer gave it 70%, so don't expect anything new or revolutionary. Hopefully, it's not as dark as Doom 3.
Quake 4 looks 1337 along with F.E.A.R, cannot wait for BMS ..... playing through Farcry atm, had it ages but old comp couldnt run it, loving it tbh, graphics are just as nice as hl2 imo and the storyline is ace.
Try some of the HL2 Maps you can download. The mod Minerva: Metastasis is good, but only one part is out so this only lasts as long as the Canals on HL2.
nebular x said:
Try some of the HL2 Maps you can download. The mod Minerva: Metastasis is good, but only one part is out so this only lasts as long as the Canals on HL2.
If you're still bored after playing that, play its original Half-Life preque Someplace Else.
Sulkdodds said:
Hostile Waters.
Agree entirely. Intelligent gaming FTW!

You might also like Darwinia and Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy.
When is it being released over here in the UK, i am so desperatly wanting it :E :E
If you don't mind fairly old games, I suggest Sin, Deus Ex (The first, not invisible war) and System Shock 2 (a must!)

For newer, there's Battlefield 2, Call Of Duty 2, Serious Sam 2 (okay it's not a story driven game, but the engine is so beautiful and the number of monsters on screen...o_0)
F.E.A.R is excellent, Doom 3 was okay.

Sin Episodes is coming soon enough by the way, over Steam, surely will it be worth the buy ;)
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! I will play FEAR tomorrow actually, that will be damn nice! I've played Doom 3, it was.. naah.. not for me. Too dark and predictable. The expansion pack was just crap :p
Max Payne series are great! Especially Max Payne 2. My only complain is that they are too short.
I can play HL2 on medium setting. I assume I can do at least likewise with FEAR?
On my old computer, Celeron 2.5, X750 256mb AGP, 768mb DDR ram, i could play it on medium fine so id imagine youd be fine unless you have something worse then a crappy celeron :p