If i want to buy a new comp....


Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Sup pplz, i was planning to buy a computer, if i can get the money somehow (i'm not rilly rich :sleep: ) I was looking at the dell catalog and came to their dimension xps, they say it's good for gaming, but it all depends on what's inside. i just want to know what brand should i look at instead if i want to buy an affordable comp that runs pretty good with the games we play today, obviously hl2 or doom3. The xps has a radeon x800xt in it and too, and it was good cuz it's like 100 cheaper to just add it into a comp and it costs 260$.

I really wish i won the lottery :)
I would make your own.
I also find dell to be the only good mainstream desktop company.
While on the otherhand, i find IBM are on par with Dells.

I would suggest building your own.
If you cant, and you got money to burn, alienwares are good. but expensive.

I could build you one :D
If you just buy all the parts separately and build your own, you save an incredible amount of money. You can get an awesome gaming system for under $1000, with an Athlon 64, 1GB ram, and a good video card. Build your own, cheaper, and you'll be able to upgrade later.

yo bryan thnz for the link i saw deez cool ones that's like 200 dollars