If Microsoft Kills You...

  • Thread starter Thread starter D_tunisia
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Check everything they always have a clause like that.
Crap...I was using Microsoft Word and it tried to go for my jugular. Now I am slowly bleeding to death...and I can't even sue Microsoft :( :x

If a microsoft product kills you, you deserved it. Its a little thing called natural selection.
No disclaimer can actually shed responsibility from anything such as negligence, and malicious intent... so if a tank shoots you, and you are a non-combatant, and the result of the shooting is because Windows TankEdition had a blue screen of death... microsoft is not safe because of disclaimer, likewise if you load up windows and code is in there that causes your computer to explode and kill you, they aren't protected (mostly)
The office paperclip told me to jump out my bedroom window, so i'm going to try.

blahblahblah said:
Crap...I was using Microsoft Word and it tried to go for my jugular. Now I am slowly bleeding to death...and I can't even sue Microsoft :( :x


Foxtrot said:
If a microsoft product kills you, you deserved it. Its a little thing called natural selection.

two, very sig worthy lines...infact they should both be used together :thumbs:
hey blah, can u tell if it was good ol' Billy who stabbed u? :E
im sueing microsoft for giving me a wireless mouse and i dident know where to plug it in!!!

None of the junk they put in that is applicable under UK law anyway, so I'm alright...well...at least if XP kills me, they can be held responsible by my family.