If Microsoft (re)designed the iPod packaging...

Feb 24, 2005
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Saw this hilarious vid on a link from GrumpyGamer.com earlier. Very funny video and so true to form for the big guys from Redmond. Enjoy!

The video.
Hehe thats really good, never thought about it before, but it seems to ring true to any MS cases/boxes i have lying about.
i don't know why but it makes me sad. for microsoft. it's like, poor microsoft, they just wanna be loved. i think i'm gonna cry. i'm feeling very emotional today.
microsoft has always had bad design. Everything from their OS to their packaging design is just god awful ..they should really just fire everyone and hire a good design firm like apple does. But I guess Microsoft has never needed to mass promote their products
Yeah, Microsoft has always had to rely on the strength of their products to survive. Uh, whoops.
This makes me want to never get a PC.

And I have a Mac.
Direwolf said:
Yeah, Microsoft has always had to rely on the strength of their products to survive. Uh, whoops.

*joins Direwolf in conspiracy* :rolling: