if only ...



deus ex 2 was anywhere near as good as the upcoming half life 2. in my opinion (unlike most others on this board), deus ex was a far superior game than half life. yes, the ai in deus ex sucked badly and deus ex wasn't as long to complete as half life BUT in terms of character development, story, non-linearity in completing objectives (or not completing them), going into places that you shouldn't go (that developers hadn't thought it was possible without a great amount of effort and moving stuff around), replayability (~8 times for me) ... deus ex has convinced me that it is the best game made so far.

Welcome to the forums!!!

Oh and I agree, DE:IW Was a HUGE let down for me personaly. But I have posted about its failings enough for one lifetime. :)
Ok? Want a cookie to make you feel better?


Deus Ex 2 was good, and thread moved.

maybe the graphics were better but everything else pretty much sucked.

Oh and I agree, DE:IW Was a HUGE let down for me personaly. But I have posted about its failings enough for one lifetime.

same here.
If only every game was as good as HL2...

I never played much of the first DE, and the demo of the second was enough for me.
Snakebyte said:
If only every game was as good as HL2...

...but we don't know for all that it could - it too could suck like Deus ex: IW. Hopefully not.
Same here, the A.I in DX:IW was retarded worse than the original, and the graphics had some MAJOR problems.
Minus the skill system, and the "bio-mods", make a dissapointing sequal.
:x Deus ex is REALLY THAT good? I remember trying out the demo, I didn't enjoy the 'feel' of the game it was weird.
ailevation said:
:x Deus ex is REALLY THAT good? I remember trying out the demo, I didn't enjoy the 'feel' of the game it was weird.
Deus Ex is absolutely fantastic, Invisible War is a hunk of shite.
I couldn't stand Deus Ex 1, really couldn't get into it. I re-installed it several times think maybe I didn't give it a propoer shot. But there were too many things that were so uncool to me that made me not want to play.

The voice acting was horrid, the out of body conversations were horrid, the character design was horrid, the animation was horrid, the gameplay and graphics were decent.
I got Deus Ex 2 recently and I like it so much better so far.
fresh_poo said:
deus ex 2 was anywhere near as good as the upcoming half life 2. in my opinion (unlike most others on this board), deus ex was a far superior game than half life. yes, the ai in deus ex sucked badly and deus ex wasn't as long to complete as half life BUT in terms of character development, story, non-linearity in completing objectives (or not completing them), going into places that you shouldn't go (that developers hadn't thought it was possible without a great amount of effort and moving stuff around), replayability (~8 times for me) ... deus ex has convinced me that it is the best game made so far.


I agree completely, Warren Spector made a huge mistake going for xbox 1st then pc, even tho that might have not been the reason they cut down the gfx level size (maybe they were low on money). Deus Ex is the best game of all time i feel. No story can beat or even get close. Deus Ex 2 wasnt "bad" but it was no where near the 1st.
I have better memories of the first Deus than the second... even though I didn't even finish the first... and I did finish the second... :x
The 1st is really great, i mean everytime i think about it i want to play it again. 3 endings best one i feel is when he merges with the ai.
I think blowing up Area 51 is better.

The problem is that in DX:IW, the characters feel generic, and you don't care about what happens to them :

For example, near the end of the game, I didn't feel anything when Billy turned against you

But in the first Deus Ex, I felt real remorse when :

Paul died because I jumped out the window. After that, I went out the front door

And yes, DX:IW was made with X-Box as the primary player. The PC version was just a bland afterthought. And a BAD decision made by Spector indeed ........
Raziel-Jcd said:
The 1st is really great, i mean everytime i think about it i want to play it again. 3 endings best one i feel is when he merges with the ai.

The AI merging ending is best because in the second the story continues from there.
Actually, It follows all 3 ending, by what Warren Spector said ....
Neo_Kuja said:
I think blowing up Area 51 is better.

The problem is that in DX:IW, the characters feel generic, and you don't care about what happens to them :

For example, near the end of the game, I didn't feel anything when Billy turned against you

But in the first Deus Ex, I felt real remorse when :

Paul died because I jumped out the window. After that, I went out the front door

And yes, DX:IW was made with X-Box as the primary player. The PC version was just a bland afterthought. And a BAD decision made by Spector indeed ........

Ya i see what your saying. I kind of feel the same way. Even tho the 2nd wasnt as good or no where near the 1st, still was a good game. Hope Deus Ex 3 is up to par again.

Kyo said:
The AI merging ending is best because in the second the story continues from there.

Thats not why i like it best tho. Iv always liked that ending the most, it has such great meaning.

Neo_Kuja said:
Actually, It follows all 3 ending, by what Warren Spector said ....

Where did you read this? Link plz.
fresh_poo said:
deus ex 2 was anywhere near as good as the upcoming half life 2. in my opinion (unlike most others on this board), deus ex was a far superior game than half life. yes, the ai in deus ex sucked badly and deus ex wasn't as long to complete as half life

I actually thought Deus Ex was a lot longer than Half Life. It took me a lot longer to complete Deus Ex than it did to complete Half Life.
I think IW took the wrong ending (of DX1) to persue, personally, I would have liked them to go with the Illumiati.

But then again the whole (from DX1)
Saving Paul if you take out everything and everyone, you, him and Tong could all become significant figures.
Could have been a good setting, and they could have not set it 20 years later, that made it crapper.

Basically, if they would have continued on from the end of DX1 with a choice of stroylines to persue it would have been a good game. But they had to stick Alex D in there somewhere with his reference in DX1.
AcousticToad said:
I think IW took the wrong ending (of DX1) to persue, personally, I would have liked them to go with the Illumiati.

I thought they combined the three endings into one. JC had merged with Helios, the great collapse had occured, and the illuminati ran the world.

Look! I did a review! Good for me!
Invisible War was indeed based off of the given fact that Deus Ex had finished on all three endings.
Zapp$ter said:
I actually thought Deus Ex was a lot longer than Half Life. It took me a lot longer to complete Deus Ex than it did to complete Half Life.

Deus Ex is a lot longer then half-Life. Half-Life takes about 1:30 mins to beat, Deus Ex can take up to 12 hours IF you do everything.

KagePrototype said:
I thought they combined the three endings into one. JC had merged with Helios, the great collapse had occured, and the illuminati ran the world.

Look! I did a review! Good for me!

Thats a cool way to look at it.

Abom said:
Invisible War was indeed based off of the given fact that Deus Ex had finished on all three endings.

Ya. Now i see what people are talking about, but do you have a interview where Warren Spector talks about the story deeper?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Deus Ex is a lot longer then half-Life. Half-Life takes about 1:30 mins to beat, Deus Ex can take up to 12 hours IF you do everything.

Yeah, I was just responding to the original poster with my thoughts on the length of the two games. He said DX was shorter, I thought otherwise
"Yeah, I was just responding to the original poster with my thoughts on the length of the two games. He said DX was shorter, I thought otherwise"

WHAT! half life seemed to drag on and on ... it took me what seemed forever to get to the part before xen (whatever that place beyond earth was) while my best deus ex time was about 7 hrs.

the best ending to follow (in my opinion) was the dark age (tracer tong's advice i believe). darkness seemed to be constant in the entire dx1 game and should have continued on ... BUT THEY MADE SOME CHEESY FUTURE THAT SEEMED TO HAVE COME OUT OF NOWHERE! jc should have continued being the avatar (who the ____ is alex ???) . in dx2, jc should have tried to lead humanity out of the dark age (AKA clean slate after he cleans more stuff up because he is so great) and into a better future.
Abom said:
Deus Ex is absolutely fantastic, Invisible War is a hunk of shite.

no its not :p, maybe to you it is. You have to get with, and enjoy what the game set out to accomplish, that simplified , fresh feeling, that was still fun :) 'which was great in my opinion,, not wallow in what you think it should of been, compared to your past Deus Ex experiance,, they share the same name, but are very different.

different in a good way. ;)
no its not , maybe to you it is. You have to get with, and enjoy what the game set out to accomplish, 'which was great in my opinion,, not wallow in what you think it should of been, compared to your past Deus Ex experiance,, they share the same name, but are very different.

clarky ... most deus ex fanatics that thought it was the greatest game PERIOD will probably agree that dx2 is as my screenname here suggests ;) .
How can I take the words of someone who's name is "Fresh Poo", seriously? :rolling:
fresh_poo said:
"Yeah, I was just responding to the original poster with my thoughts on the length of the two games. He said DX was shorter, I thought otherwise"

WHAT! half life seemed to drag on and on ... it took me what seemed forever to get to the part before xen (whatever that place beyond earth was) while my best deus ex time was about 7 hrs.

the best ending to follow (in my opinion) was the dark age (tracer tong's advice i believe). darkness seemed to be constant in the entire dx1 game and should have continued on ... BUT THEY MADE SOME CHEESY FUTURE THAT SEEMED TO HAVE COME OUT OF NOWHERE! jc should have continued being the avatar (who the ____ is alex ???) . in dx2, jc should have tried to lead humanity out of the dark age (AKA clean slate after he cleans more stuff up because he is so great) and into a better future.

You must have rushed through Deus Ex then. (not doing any sub missions, not listening to what people had to say, + the 999999 secrets the game had) Half-Life was one of the easiest and shortest games i have played. Im not saying half-life was bad, but i am saying its no where near Deus Ex. My 10 year old brother beat half-life on hard in 3 1/2 hours. :/
Alex was a good *idea*, but was poorly implemented.
I mean , the whole WORLD is on his shoulders, and what does he say ?
"I'll look into it" (With a bored voice)

BTW, fresh_poo, You saw Alex Denton in a holding vat, just before you got to Page in Area 51 ..... although he was listed as "male", I suppose that in DX:IW they had no trouble about him having an "operation" before he came out, to make him become female ..... :p
clarky003 said:
no its not :p, maybe to you it is. You have to get with, and enjoy what the game set out to accomplish, that simplified , fresh feeling, that was still fun :) 'which was great in my opinion,, not wallow in what you think it should of been, compared to your past Deus Ex experiance,, they share the same name, but are very different.

different in a good way. ;)
It's a shame that that 'simplified, fresh feeling' what was no Deus Ex fanatic wanted in Invisible War. They wanted more of the same complex Deus Ex mechanics, with graphical updates and proper physics (they were shite in IW, let's be honest).
ok, i'm kinda misunderstood. what role did alex have in dx1 ... none in my opinion. my fastest time was what i stated. i beat the game about 6 times and tried to find everything. i honestly thought halflife dragged on forever ... but i never timed it, therefore i might be wrong.
fresh_poo said:
ok, i'm kinda misunderstood. what role did alex have in dx1 ... none in my opinion. my fastest time was what i stated. i beat the game about 6 times and tried to find everything. i honestly thought halflife dragged on forever ... but i never timed it, therefore i might be wrong.
What role did he have? Well, none in the original game, since he's suspended in a holding tube. Although there was a fantastic rumour that that tube was just a hologram, since you can walk through it, but you can't with the other vats... meaning that there might be a different Alex.