if u reed this ur a noob lol


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm just noticing that more and more... not so bright or valuable-in-any-way members are joining now that halflife 2 (hopefully) approaches, members that I won't point fingers at but are more likely than not ultimately temporary.
i bet this thread gets closed =[
I'm just starting to think in horror at how much this condition is going to worsen as the date is finalized and approaches, and even worse after HL2's release. I'm just starting to get scared this forum is going to drown in teh stupid.
come on, we can make this thread be worth something, can't we? anyone?
Of course, this applies not to all newcomers, rather, a small percentage of them. nevertheless, that adds up. quickly. so, yeah. discuss or something. I'll go cry because my life is a failure now.
I've always suspected it, but have never believed it to be true!

<falls to knees>


EDIT: In regards to the title that is.
If you just read this, you're a n00b! LOLZ
Huh.. musta been a clone :)
nah, I am now.. night
whut argh j00 taulkin aboot???!!? I R NOT B3ing teh n00b....... j00 argh teh pub nub 4 ev3n sayin dat eye argh teh nubz0rz....... what is j00r prooblum!!?!?!?!
i noticed that as well.. there have been a lot of random nonsense highly repetetive threads.. might get worse in the coming weeks.. I would sign off but I have a.) too much time on my hands right now (perfect timing) b.) I wouldn't wanna miss any important news because of that..

le argh
I'm in the same boat as jimbones. And I'm also on the same high horse as everyone else.
:dozey: Revolution! Let's take these mofo's out!

Man, it's really a small world! Disruption, I used to live near Northridge, I was from Van Nuys. My god that valley heat is icky sticky- literally. What school you go to?
ailevation said:
:dozey: Revolution! Let's take these mofo's out!

Man, it's really a small world! Disruption, I used to live near Northridge, I was from Van Nuys. My god that valley heat is icky sticky- literally. What school you go to?

theres what, like 10000 memberS? 30000? not really THAT huge a coincidenc eyou lived near him ;)

el chi: which is it, boat or horse?im funny
Yes..If you want to stick with only the people you like, go to IRC. There you realize that you can ban someone who is speaking 1337 or just being an ass.
Varg|Hund said:
I miss the old days :(
back when stuff like forum games and having fun was allowed? yargh, I better shut my mouth before the forum secret police comes a knockin'.

I'm off to bed. good night to you sir :)
There was talk a while back about a making forum on here just for members who have over a certain number of posts, but I think the idea was scraped.
Yeah but that'd just result in endless spamming for some desperate gobshites to get in on it. And besides, some of the sanest, most interesting members have relatively low post counts. I mean for God's sake, just look at me...
The "special" forum would work if the moderators invited people they knew were good guys.

Although, the idea of favorising certain members may not be that fun for newcomers and such.
Yeah it'd just create some condescending elitist hierarchy that doesn't exist on this forum.
Okay, well it'd just solidify the condescending elitist hierarchy.
we could make a dummy forum, and all the "n00bs" would be redirected to that one, but when they prove to us that they arent "1337 h4><0rz pwn!!!!11 OMGOMGOMG" we can let them in. :)
If people use "1337" talk in a vaguely non-ironic sense, they should get IP banned. Or shot.
The funny thing I've found about "noobs" as you put it (I don't mean newcomers, but instead those who would cause trouble) is that their collective intelligence appears to be the square root of how many of them there are...This of course applies to most crowds of people but i found it rather fitting for the group currently being discussed.

Anyway, moving back to the point...I shouldn't worry too much about more and more annoying people arriving prior and post release date, as the site staff will be more than adequately prepared for their arrival, I of course point to the likes of Abom and Fenric who seem to rather enjoy getting rid of those who would disrupt.
CyberSh33p said:
I'm just noticing that more and more... not so bright or valuable-in-any-way members are joining now that halflife 2 (hopefully) approaches, members that I won't point fingers at but are more likely than not ultimately temporary. /color]
I absolutely agree with you.

Case in point

What kind of brain dead individual would think Half-Life 2 just magically and secretly got released without anyone knowing. Supreme idiocy is rife at the moment. Someone save us!
Perhaps someone who hadn't been following its progress much? Not so many years ago, and it almost makes me cringe and feel sorry for the innocent child that i was, I myself would have felt like he seems to if i had seen that picture.
I may be new, but i hope i'm not a noob :)
So i guess u dind't mean all the new people around ;)

ps: I hate the so-called "1337"-writing - What's this supposed to be? some kind of secrect language for the retarded ???
Alsi said:
I hate the so-called "1337"-writing - What's this supposed to be? some kind of secrect language for the retarded ???
Huzzah for you, sir! Huzzah indeed. He's right, not all "n00bs" are stupid.
el Chi said:
Huzzah for you, sir! Huzzah indeed. He's right, not all "n00bs" are stupid.
/me cuddles Raxel and Alsi.

Now, where be GV and RAY? :(
el Chi said:
If people use "1337" talk in a vaguely non-ironic sense, they should get IP banned. Or shot.

I second that.

But seriously Cybersheep I think you're exagerating things, it's not that bad.
Right, not that bad *yet*, but we're not even quite THAT close to the release and the number of 'noobs', by farrow's definition is increasing greatly. for the most part they stay in regular discussion (they're too dumb to know how to go anywhere else ;) ), but some are spilling over into OT, and as I said, by the release, theres gonna be a whole lot of bannings.
My god... the only other thread I have seen the word noob written sooo many times was on the CS section of the steam forums! :p
CB | Para said:
I second that.

But seriously Cybersheep I think you're exagerating things, it's not that bad.

Thread created today said:
Valve has connected on purpose their server with the source code for the Half-Life 2 to the Internet and gaining a big success by advertisement that their source code is stolen. More HL2 copies will be sold ... (Reported FNI .Fake News Investigation. Co.)

Not that bad?
CyberSh33p, THE newb, calling other people noobs?! WTF?! :O
I hate that nearly every one has got a
piece of crap
in their signature.
would you consider posting in every single thread on the forum newbish even if it isn't spam, i mean it is pretty akward to see "last posted by sai" on every single thread on the hl2 forum........ which i, in turn, have been known to do :|
Maybe a good benchmark to see if someone falls under the catagory "n00b" is to watch if he uses the :sniper:-smilie in a lot of posts. It's failproof!
Sai: No, thats just pathetic :)

Ryan: I've been using that for decades. yes, decades.