If you Attended ComicCon you dont care about America

If you like fun things, you don't care about serious things. At all.
If anything, the multi-millionaires who laud around huge wads of cash without buying products or services are the ones to blame, as they are not injecting anything into the economy
If anything, the job creators who laud around huge wads of jobs without any thought of themselves are blameless, as they are injecting more than their fair share into the economy

There were a couple of typos in that sentence, I fixed them for you.

That is one of the most retarded things I have heard in a while. Why do people go to comic-con when there are homeless people around here?!?! Well I hope that news reporter enjoys going back to her nice warm house and eating her masses of food while there are starving people dotted around the city. Man, ANYTHING will be thrown into the news these days...
It's funny that after years and years of comic con, we only see a story like this because for some reason comic con is really popular this year.
You can always tell when the only comic a person has read is Family Circus and they only read half of it because it was too long.
RT is the Kremlin propaganda machine **** THEM HARD!