If You Could "Hang Out" With A Class...

Who Would You Hang Out

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Dec 26, 2006
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Who? If you could spend a day with a class, just hang out, who would you choose? And What would you do?

I would choose the Engie, he just seems like a social person. I could imagine us sittin around, drinking some (in his case) beer or (In mine) soda.

EDIT: Polls up!
I'd hang out with the Medic, he seems like the kinda guy who puts out.
I'd get drunk with the Demoman probably... but I bet the pyro is great at video games.
I'd take lessons from the Spy. And discuss world politics.
I'd hang out with the Demoman because I love him.
I chose the heavy because he seems a funny guy but with a short temper. It would be fun to see him squash a 'small man'. I also chose him because he would be lonely, no one else picked him.

Yeh, no one picked Soldier either, who is my favourite but I wouldnt enjoy hanging out with him, he is far too strict.
I think I would hang out with the Scout. He seems like me. He could let me know how to be as fast as him and do his double jump. Plus, I would love to hit people EVERY day with my baseball bat.
Spy or Sniper would be my second choice, but Spy dosn't seem like the soical type.

Think of the crazy fun shit you could do while uber'd!
The Spy. I'd enjoy debating politics with him, drinking tea, and learning the art of the Spy.
Pyro for fun with fireworks or sniper cause i am aussie
Pyro, I'm like exactly the same in every way.

We're both completely random.
Pyro. We'd have fun torching people.



Engie. He could teach me how to make sentrys and teleporters.

Also dispensers I guess, but really... compared to the previous two, ya know..
Pyro, he's awesome and we could play video games :D

Also, people have a hard time understanding me. I know how the pyro feels :(
Pyro. I would ask him to take the mask off. If not, we would play guitar hero...or play with fire. :flame:
I guess I'm gonna rethink my vote a bit. Spy, Engineer, and maybe Medic, because then you could do some seriously creepy shit while Uber'd

"Unless it's a farm!"

I mean, he's just so awesome. I try to come up with a logical reason but end up basing it all on his awesome.

Edit: Check my 2.04%
By the time he gets to his lectures you are dead.
I'm sticking with the Scout. He is just so awesome.
Pyro. If I can get past the flames, I could get laid by an actual video game character.
Hope that suit is more than flame retardent. :naughty:
Maybe it's retard retardant.

ba-dum *tss* I keed, I keed