If You Could Invent A Holiday, What Would It Be?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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If you had 1 chance to make up a holiday that the entire country/world would follow 1 time per year, what would be your holiday?

I'd invent one called "Awesome Day" and everyone gets free indy cars, and we all crash, and get free ice-cream.. (I know it sucks, I made it up in like 1/2 of a second!)

Your turn, bitchs!
Caveman Day.

We trudge around dressed in paper bags and try to walk to Africa to hunt some lions, and mother****ing snakes.
GW Bush is Dead day! YAY!! We all dance and party and pee on his grave.
Caveman Day.

We trudge around dressed in paper bags and try to walk to Africa to hunt some lions, and mother****ing snakes.
On a mother ****ing plane?


We get an excuse to scare the **** out of innocent children.
There are too many holidays already. I would delete one.

Say, Christmas.

Failing that, I wouldn't mind seeing this made into a national holiday--not just for the symbolism, but because it would be inexpressably awesome for everybody in the nation to shut the hell up for 24 hours.
I'd make a holiday where you dress up as a ninja and go on with your daily lives for the day
Sex Day
A day where everyone gets layed.
Anyone thats overweight for their age has to stay home and get free porn.

I'd make FFA Day. Where everyone gets a gun and we all have a free for all.
It may seem weird, but ive had dreams where this has happened at my school. I have gone insane.
It would help worldy population, and everyone gets to kill some mother******* snakes on some mother******* planes!
even fat chicks??
fat chicks need something to. Although i'm sure we could invent robots to do it for us if ur to pussy.
Freedom of Speech Day

On this day, no matter what position you in, what age you are, what school you go to, who your boss is, who you'll offend, you get to say whatever the hell you want for the entire day.

I can imagine this backfiring in a number of ways.
There are too many holidays already. I would delete one.

Say, Christmas.

Failing that, I wouldn't mind seeing this made into a national holiday--not just for the symbolism, but because it would be inexpressably awesome for everybody in the nation to shut the hell up for 24 hours.
Pirate day.

A day to raise awareness of the plight of pirates, and the effect this has on our environment.
Take a month off whatever the hell you do day - Explains itself.

Yes, I am aware of the irony.

Oh, damn.


I got one. International Grammar Day.

A day in which people need to use proper grammar, even when speaking on the Internet.

I thought of this after I read http://www.girlspace.com/messageboards/main.aspx and saw a disease, maybe even a virus, in the early stages of its life.

The enemy is advanced though, and will adapt to nearly any situation.
Liberate another country day!

Self explanatory, I can see this backfire.
If there's not a serious discussion about girlspace.com after what I posted, there's something wrong with all of you!

That place is the scariest place I've ever been. And that includes New York Subways.



Anyone know how to hack a site?
blowjob and steak day.. oh wait it's already invented



Anyone know how to hack a site?


I just had a look, opened one thread and... well...

da best fing 2 do doe is tlk 2 him n say its ur first kiss, he'll understand. only do wat ur comfortable wiv, dont let him push u 2 do things ur nt ready 4..

It quite literally made me cry, I mean!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?! Lol.
One day is not enough! We should declare every leap year a year in which correct grammar must be used! Failure to do so results in death...
Don't make it sound so heroic; I was merely taking an oppourtunity at showing the public the scariest website ever conceived by man.
Alright, here's one.

Global Fap Day -- you can see where I'm going with this, right?