If you could invent anything what would it be?


Aug 28, 2004
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If you could invent anything what would it be and why (If you have a reason) ?

E.g: A time machine - To go back in time.
Infinite Improbability Drive.

edit: with an improbability-proof drive room!
A virus capable of wiping out all humans from the earth (including myself)

lol only joking, if i had to invent something it would be a cold fusion reactor.......and then patent it, although if i did that i would prob have the patent "relieved" by the us government or something, or employed.....it would be HOT technology.
Shens said:
Infinite Improbability Drive.

edit: with an improbability-proof drive room!

...Madness? :eek: Or have I clutched the wrong end of the stick?

Anyway, it would probably be some kind of time machine, or invincibility/invisibility thing. Ah the possibilities with any of those are endless...
I would build a Sphere.

If you've seen the movie or read the book you know how badass this invention is. I think I like the book version better.
LittleB said:
I would build a Sphere.

If you've seen the movie or read the book you know how badass this invention is. I think I like the book version better.
The book was far better. I wouldn't like the Sphere - far too scary.

No, I'd want Bernard's watch. He could stop time and everything. It was great.
I'd become rich after inventing a machine that lets you punch people in the face over the internet.
i would invent my own universe, WHERE I WOULD BE KING!! BWUHAHAHAHAHAA
Joims said:
link littleB sounds interesting?

It's about a giant golden alien ball that reads your mind and makes your thoughts come true. Supposedly you can use it to create anything you want, but the movie is about how we can't control our sub-consious, so it becomes sortof a horror movie.
el Chi said:
The book was far better. I wouldn't like the Sphere - far too scary.

No, I'd want Bernard's watch. He could stop time and everything. It was great.

He used it for THE stupidest things though! I could think of millions of better things to do with a time-freezing watch. :naughty:
And the thing about X-Ray specs is, wouldnt they make you see through everything and thus see nothing at all?
SimonomiS said:
He used it for THE stupidest things though! I could think of millions of better things to do with a time-freezing watch. :naughty:
And the thing about X-Ray specs is, wouldnt they make you see through everything and thus see nothing at all?

Haha, yeah "I'm going to be late for school because of the roadworks! I know I'll stop time to change the light to green so I can go!"

Any normal kid would use it for things like going into ladies changing rooms and robbing banks, sneaking into theme parks...or maybe that's just me in my young age? :eek:

X-ray specs...well depends, I didn't mean X-rays exactly, just some magical thing that lets you look through walls or something.

Also I would like to invent some rocketpack to go for a bit of a flight, and I'd like to invent a lot of things to do with lasers :borg:
I would invent the invention that would automatically invent every good invention that would be invented throughout the rest of time.
I'd invent a Zero Point gravbar-shotnade-RPGbullet-manipulator. Then create a device that could transfer anything into computer code and load it into Half Life 2...then I'd have like the ultimate uber-weapon of death..in the game anyway..
I would invent a program that would create code/images/graphics by description.

I'd call it "Game Creator 0.901b"
The slogan would be "Make your game under 4 1/2 minuts"

With a query mode, and a manual mode.

Query mode would be where it asks you alot of different question about how you want it.

Manual would be you just describing it, then it creating it from that =o
id invent a good weed wacker....why you ask? because the damn plastic thing breaks after like 2 mins of use.......grr
I dunno, but at his age, I'd use the power to scare the crap out of people. Or cause hilarious accidents.

Oh, I'd invent either a pair of earplugs that fit my Dad's ears to stop him moaning, or some kind of robo-suit for myself. Made of like, diamond. Layer of upon layer or upon layer of it. Coated in titanium.

"Haha, you laughed at me once, Tony Blair! Now you offer to shake my hand in cowardice! Hahaha!"
Ajed said:
I would invent a program that would create code/images/graphics by description.

I'd call it "Game Creator 0.901b"
The slogan would be "Make your game under 4 1/2 minuts"

With a query mode, and a manual mode.

Query mode would be where it asks you alot of different question about how you want it.

Manual would be you just describing it, then it creating it from that =o
Yeah looks like you would have to invent a 67.4 terraherz proccessor as well.
short recoil said:
Yeah looks like you would have to invent a 67.4 terraherz proccessor as well.

Half-Life 2 real time ray tracing + radiosity + sub surface scattering at 900 FPS baby!!
Cloning Machine, then I would get the DnA of Led Zeppelin, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Pink Floyd, make fresh new copies (when they were in their prime of course) and rock the world anew.
pAiNtHeAsS said:
HEV suit.

Someone would have to then invent the health and energy recharger. Or else the suit would be useless!
time control device
fast forward rewind those kind of things......and it woul keep u the same age as when u started to use it i.e. you wouldn't not be born...lol
the earth

edit: marco pollo: sig a bit long?

edit edit:
kirovman said:
X-ray specs...well depends, I didn't mean X-rays exactly, just some magical thing that lets you look through walls or something.
and clothing!!! :thumbs: :naughty:
i mean...umm....well....err.... :x
automated Taco Maker or a Sushi maker yeah that would be neat
Time machine got suggested in the first post, by that IS what I would invent. You could go around causing bodily harm to people, then just reverse time, then do it again.
Like someone else posted. A Time-Machine. So many terrible choices in my life. Just wish I could change them.. :(
A stick of lethal percunities... dunno what it'd do, just sounds cool.

On a more serious note I'd love to invent something that controls quantum mechanics, cuz that'd knock us forward into the next age of mankind, and I'd be a bit of a legend and be able to teleport around, go back in time, and play half life 2 on full resolution :D ... theoretically of course
SimonomiS said:
He used it for THE stupidest things though! I could think of millions of better things to do with a time-freezing watch. :naughty:
I know! Bernard was a bit of a prick, to be honest. The thing is, you'd get SO corrupt because you could pretty much get away with anything. They never explored that - they should do a new, really dark series. It'd be amazing :)

burner69 said:
A stick of lethal percunities... dunno what it'd do, just sounds cool.
Nah, they're old hat. What you really want is a bag of explosive frentrikicies.
Shamrock said:
Like someone else posted. A Time-Machine. So many terrible choices in my life. Just wish I could change them.. :(
And as you change the "choice to go out with that girl" (or whatever) ....you realise that in 2002 ww3 starts and everyone you know dies.

Dont **** with time.
lePobz said:
An understandable woman.
It'll never happen bud.

I mean, an hour to get ready??!?!? Wtf?!?!?

You have to leave them alone when they're in moods, then get kained for not comforting them.

And orgasms?? I mean, who knows what the h*ll one of those is... weirdos
