If you could, would you choose to live forever?


Jun 22, 2006
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For me, it would be nice to not ever die. But, you would have to watch everyone you know die, and taxes forever. I would get bored of doing every possible thing, and would want to see my family again. I wonder what they would do if they gave you a life sentence, and 300 years later you are still there.
Not forever, but longer would be good. I believe that there is at least one of these threads each year on these forums.
no, i wouldnt want to see my kids grow old and die
Yes, definitely.

I deal very well with death, even that of family members and people close to me, and I really don't mind doing taxes that much :P

[edit] I assume you mean "not age". If you didn't, then never mind, I don't want to live to be a 500-year-old stick figure in a mechanized exoskeleton.

Or do I?
Yes, definitely.

I deal very well with death, even that of family members and people close to me, and I really don't mind doing taxes that much :P

[edit] I assume you mean "not age". If you didn't, then never mind, I don't want to live to be a 500-year-old stick figure in a mechanized exoskeleton.

Or do I?

You KNOW you do.
As long as I stay eternally young yes. With the point that I can kill myself.
Well, are we talking forever as in, everybody on earth dies, the world explodes, and you spend eternity floating through space?
Yes actually, and I think eventually it will be possible to practically live forever. Meaning you would be immune to disease and aging but you could still die in say: a plane crash.
If "live forever" = invincible, then hell yes. Otherwise **** no.

It would be awesome for the first few hundred years, hell, if humanity sticks around it would be entertaining for, well, until the sun asplodes. Unless we've popluated other planets by then, in which case, awesome!

FFS we've got a whooping 5 billion years until the sun turns into a red giant. If humanity hasn't figured out a way to colonise the galaxy by that time then we deserve to die.
I'd definately live forever. Technically you could just commit suicide when it got boring, but if you couldn't suicide then you could just have fun doing some majorly crazy extreme sports all day knowing that you couldn't die.
but if you couldn't suicide then you could just have fun doing some majorly crazy extreme sports all day knowing that you couldn't die.

LOL, like rocket jumping:laugh: .
Now where did I put that launcher...
I think i would wanna live forever assuming that i dont get older
maybe then i can finally play duke nukem forever and stalker
I thought about this once on my own, and really, if you think about it, the prospect of living FOREVER is horrific.

Imagine being the only person alive after all of humanity has died out, with no way to die.

You're basically trapped in space for eternity, all alone.

I'd go mad, not being able to kill myself and all.

Even IF I could kill myself, i'd say yes. I don't think I could ever kill myself.

And then there's the chance that you go crazy before you actually buckle down and realize how pointless it is to live as the only person alive, thus losing your chance to kill yourself D:
I wouldn't. I'd rather merely have the power to choose when I would die.

And be immortal until then.
I would like to wish for a uncertain amount of time, but when I feel its time I will die
Hell yes. Especially since that would mean I could stick around until another Universe popped into existence ^^
No, after one person is finished f*ckiing up the universe someone new should get a chance.
So long as I could die from injuries. Suicide at the age of 900 for teh win.