If you haven't seen this, I encourage you to.

Wow I never saw this clip before and its it truly great.
I wonder how many time dit this dude play the game.
I saw iton youtube, but no matter how many times, it never ceases to amaze me...
... The video here is from the Youtube page, why do you need the link?

I assumed the poster that I quoted was referring to a video of someone speed-running Portal in 13 minutes. For lack of a web URL, I posed the question.
I assumed the poster that I quoted was referring to a video of someone speed-running Portal in 13 minutes. For lack of a web URL, I posed the question.

Oh then, i saw one done in 18 minutes but not 13, good luck there.
I've seen it and it is crazy. higher resolution would be nicer though.
I don't like speed runs where people skip chapters and use exploits, doesn't seem right.
I don't like speed runs where people skip chapters and use exploits, doesn't seem right.

Runs like that are basically glitch-run videos (i.e., starting Zelda: Link To The Past and in 2 minutes, after glitching through walls, is at the final boss). Half Hour Half Life I'll consider a speed run, given that he does just about 99% of the entire game (there are few glitches here and there).
yeah, its nothing new to me, but its a very cool video and it took the guy years to master it and finally do it perfectly... If you watched it as thoroughly as i did you would notice the guy never messes up ONCE...
How did he survive those long falls like the one at the begining with the headcrabs or the one just after the guard gets raped by the vent zombie?

Edit : BS i smell hax.

Also it looks like he skipped the part where you first meet the HECU marines , the part with the osprey. Actually he missed out shit loads of stuff , and he tripped mines where the rocket is but it never blew.
He jumped lots of stuff dude, when I read this I was watching extremely closely for hacks, none there.
How can he jump a segment thats mostly indoors? he cant...
Well, if you read about it, they do each part over and over till they get it perfect.
Oh wait , i just re-watched that part and he glitches past most of it.
Any long distances that he jumps and takes no damage is usually because he lands right onto a ladder. There is the one section in the dam where he finds a crack in the ground between the canyon walls and ground level that negates the fall damage.

Just about everything you see is within what the game's physics allow. There are a couple of points where he seemingly teleports, rendering a "WTF" moment.

Regarding skipping sections, I noticed that he somehow appears next to the giant 3-clawed monster from the bottom-ish, not from the top (as a result from grenade-hopping a huge leap). But no matter how many times you watch it, it's all perfectly seamless and makes sense, physically. Yeah I'm not sure how he did it, but he managed to bypass the osprey scene without blatantly teleporting/"skipping" anything.
Yeah i figured out how he did it , he forced the scientist into the door by the looks of it , this enabling him to press the button and skip that whole part and move strieght to the tentacles.