I'm all freaked out :/


Jun 23, 2005
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I was having this dream, right? Ok, good.
Anyway, in the dream, I was doing some project or smething for school. I think it involved tins cans. So I was at this woman's house, in her recycling, stealing cans. I don't remember who the woman was, but it was, in the dream, someone that I knew their name, but didn't really know them. Like, from church or something.

So I was digging through the recycling bins (which were in her house) getting cans, when she walked into the room from some other part of the house. She wasn't really angry, but she was ready to call the police. But she said if I helped her do her's or her daughter's or someone's homework, she'd let me go.

(by the way, I am the worst possible guy to get to help you with your homework)

I was doing the homework, and it was about "snakes on a plane!", some sort of movie analysis sheet. So I'm going through, answering questions. The alst question, there's this big grey box with some details in it, but I can't make it out. The caption says that it's the ghost used in the film (I'm pretty sure there's no real ghost in the movie) and if you put it on a light table (used in drawing/tracing- it's a shallow little box with a bright light) you could se the three faces morphed together to make up the ghost. (I don't rememebr any actual question) I first held the paper up to the window, and could sort of see a face while doing that, so I drew it on (I'm a draw-er guy, incase you don't know) so now I have this greay box, with a weird looking face with big round eyes on this paper. I take it over to the light table and put it on- then I see a warning. "may be disturbing to some"- I turn the light table on.

There are these three faces that appear sortof floating aourd in the box around the face I drew, then the images start cycling, like those holographic cards, where you turn them and the picture changes. There's this one face, like a woman's. I don't remember that one. The second is this skinny guy sort of yelling, and looking through binoculars, and the alst is this guy, who's face is totally messed up- white eyes, huge gashes or something across his face, big areas of skin rubbed raw and gone. I got that sort of burning uh-oh feeling in my gut... but I finished the homework. I turned around, and there's these two hot chicks laying on the couch, apparently who's homework it was. alright. But then the dream change, as dreams are wont to do.

At this point it's necessary to tell you about this other dream I had. I was in this woman's house... I forget her name, but she looked, talked, acted like my old geometry teacher Mrs. Walieukewich (sp? pronounced valukeyvitch) and she had this big golden cage thing in her front room, with tubes and stuff. She was trying to steal ghosts out of inanimate objects taht people gave her. I was employed to help her. That dream was pretty scary too.

OK, back in the current dream, I was in this woman's house, and there was some friend of mine there, I don't remember who. There were two or three girls off somewhere. The woman was doing something, I don't rememebr what, but it had to do with these curtains hanging on her wall. They were sort of orangish-pinkish, lacy edges, and thin, so I could see through them. The same kind were on the windows, and I could see the house next door. I asked the woman about teh curtains, and she said there was a ghost behind them, some random woman's spirit. She was trying to get her out.

Behind? I could see through them. I could see the wall behind. Through the window, I sould see a holw in the wall of the hosue next door, though. But that wasn't what she was talking about. I asked how she knew there was a ghost. She said that they gave the room a bad feeling, and nobody ever smiled. Be, being the smartass I am, tuned and smiled at the curtains.

I hear this loud rushing sound, like water, and I go cold. My body goes stiff in this wierd position, and it's dark. I hear avoice, like those cheesy chorus-type things that movies always have, and this was predominantly female. If you can imagine that one elf woman from the lord of the rings, when she goes all shiny and purple. That's what the voice was like. I cannot move, and this darkness seems to cover only the front bit of my eyes, and out of the corner I can see my friend looking at me sort of shocked. I know who it is now, too. Nick. Anyway, I can feel I'm floating, and this voice says "FOOL. FOOL! BURN" and is gone, and I'm in my bed, in the same position and it's dark, and there's this little light coming in through teh door from outside.

I'm not scared. Not really. I had no pit of stomach feeling. I wasn't sweating ice. But I couldn't move. I was nervous. What if the voice... hadn't been a dream? The transition was way, way too quick. I'm sure I was awake before it had ended. I just sat there for maybe five minutes, gulping down spit, finally getting enough courage to get out of bed and alert the internet.
Ahhh, dream threads!

Next time don't take magic mushrooms before going to bed.

I've had some pretty freaky dreams where i wake up in the same position (i'll save you the story of the horrific alien dream) they can throw you a fair bit when you wake up but you feel very relieved when you do.
Sometimes the senses have a harder time waking up than the mind.

People sometimes wake up without even knowing they're awake, still in a dream-like status, aka, sleep walking. You were... sleep-hearing-shit.

The above is probably false, and there is actually a murderer hiding in your closet.
I think it is false, I live in the closet :/

unless... I'm the murderer :O
Someone call Johnny Depp.

Or Nat Turner just for some good old fashion raping.
I'm afraid I had to get rid of the colour, the damn thing was straining my eyes trying to read it
I thought the woman was going to force you to have sechs with her.
Sulkdodds said:
I didn't know you want in for that sort of thing.

Stop being silly, Sulk. We all know what he meant. :rolleyes:


Well, from the sound of your dream, I'd say your trippin' on acid.
Pesmerga said:
Someone call Johnny Depp.

Or Nat Turner just for some good old fashion raping.
I don't know how to tell you this...but he was banned.
Don't be a douche like that Pes. Made reading his dream quite annoying to have to scroll over.
I wanted to post a 30k by 30k picture to beat Pes but I can't find a host. :(
More horrifying than harij's Pelvis Dream?

edits: Badger, lol :D
Is it that one where he was... to his mom's.... Yeah?
you know the upside about having dreamt something like that is that i can always walk into any dream thread and singlehandedly own every collective dream that's been posted.

the downside? you tell me.. ;(
I mean, I've dreamt of marrying my sister, but shit... doing... to your mom? Holy turtle cock
Too much incest around here Robin, time for some Wham! Smash! and Stomp!
I had a dream I fought 22 rhinos in Indonesia, but everyone spoke spanish. It was foggy and I offended someone by saying "Hello". :(
Danimal said:
I had a dream I fought 22 rhinos in Indonesia, but everyone spoke spanish. It was foggy and I offended someone by saying "Hello". :(

I had a dream that you banned me for colouring my posts the same as the background.

Oh wait that really happened.

SimonomiS said:
I had a dream that you banned me for colouring my posts the same as the background.

Oh wait that really happened.

I lol'ed hard.