I'm back! If only for a little while

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Heya! I'm back, having fixed one PC (the bad one :p ), and will have my mighty connection fully up and running by monday... just letting you all know..

I'm back for good. :)

(Well, until the 2 next PCs parts arrive :P)
Yay, woohoo, Badger's back, I really missed him as well. OK, maybe I would have if I hadn't spoke to him quite so much on messanger, but woohooo anyway.
Yeah (waves a little brit flag)

How long is that chicks neck? It looks like a stork
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
You've been on almost everyday since you said you left :p

Hush.. but I haven't been able to get on here, I've been busy doing other things :)
Oh, you'd have had to have been around in the Arena days to get that ;)

Don't mention it ;)
finally...thanks for closing that awful palladium thread. round and round and round and round and making me dizzy with all the weird 'logic' being thrown about.

btw, is there any way to freeze your rank? cos i kinda like mine as it is, would be a shame to get it changed.
No problem, I kept a watchful eye on that when I dropped by...

And, no, sorry... there is no way to do so :(
Originally posted by Dedalus

btw, is there any way to freeze your rank? cos i kinda like mine as it is, would be a shame to get it changed.

just stop posting :p

*still waiting for thehunter1320 to pucker up... *taps foot*
nooooo, the pallidium thread is no more!? lol, oh well

welcome back badger! You dirty ³.. I'm a lowly ² :( lol
its about time Ladies Man, i was missing the chic in ur avatar :p

hehe j/k
good to have u back :)